Squid, cuttlefish dishes (ika ryoori)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various.
***** Category: Humanity

イカ料理, 烏賊料理
ika イカ 烏賊 squid, cuttlefish
Fam. Tintenfisch. Kalmar. Sepia. Fam. Teuthida
In the Edo period, money was called "o-ashi" 足 legs, and things with many legs, like ika and tako octopus were considered auspicious gifts.
Kan ika, kanika 寒烏賊 (かんいか) squid in the cold
kigo for late winter
They are good for sashimi or grilled or boiled or shiokara preparations of their innards.
ika no shiokara イカの塩辛 shiokara from cuttlefish
The most common variety
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gesalzenes Fischklein
WASHOKU : Shiokara (塩辛)
ika no kakiage いかのかき揚げ fried squid
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geschnitzeltes Tenpura
ikameshi イカめし, イカ飯 squid stuffed with rice
One of the most popular preparations.
Station lunchbox from Hakodate line, Mori Station 函館本線森駅の駅弁.
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Mit Reis gefüllter Tintenfisch
ikasoomen いかソーメン, イカそうめん
squid cut finely like somen noodles.
a kind of sashimi. From Hakodate.
Often eaten for breakfast.
A rather popular dish with fresh squid. Tasts sweet, eaten with wasabi soy sauce or ponzu sauce.
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in lange dünne Streifen geschnittener Tintenfisch, mit Wasabi und Sojasoße
ika no sushi いかのすし, イカの鮨 squid sushi
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ikazushi いかずし
In Aomori, this is squid filled with cooked vegetables and the legs squeezed in too. There is NO rice in this sushi.

niika, ni-ika 煮烏賊 , 煮いか boiled squid
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gekochter Tintenfisch
ika no shioyaki イカの塩焼き grilled with salt
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mit Salz gegrillter Tintenfisch
ikagezo no shioyaki イカげその塩焼き grilled tentacles with salt
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mit Salz gegrillte Tintenfischtentakel
gezo soomen げそそうめん finely sliced raw tentacles
often from the small squid, koika (see hotaruika).
Served with ponzu sauce.
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noren hoshi イカの暖簾ほし drying like a door curtain
ika no norenboshi 暖簾干し
The entrails are taken out, then it is spread with bamboo sticks and hung from early morning till afternoon in the strong wind from the sea, in the sunshine (tenpiboshi).
Speciality of Ajiro and Tajima.
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sudareboshi イカの簾干し drying on a sudare bamboo net
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tokkuri, ika tokkuri イカ徳利(いかとっくり)
A sake container (tokkuri) made of the dried mantle of a squid, it can be eaten when the drink is finished.
Speciality of Northern Japan.
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Hachinohe: "Ika-Sommon," "Shio-kara," "Ichiya-boshi,"
Toyama: いかの黒作り ika no kurozukuri, squid with black ink
Squid and Broccoli Stir-fry Recipe
source : japanesefood.about.com
aoriika, aori ika 障泥烏賊 (あおりいか ) aoriika cuttlefish
„Aori-Tintenfisch“. Sepioteuthis lessoniana
ジンドウイカ科. Body about 45 cm long. also called misuika みずいか. In the southern oceans.
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Eaten as sashimi, shiokara or dried. Shun season is summer.
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hanaika, sakuraika, sakura ika, kooika, koo ika さくらいか
„Kirschblüten-Tintenfisch“. Sepia esculenta
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hariika, hari ika はりいか(針烏賊) Sepia madokai
hotaruika, hotaru ika ほたるいか, ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊)
hotaru squid, firefly squid
kigo for late spring
. . . . . with many ika dishes
jindooika, jindoo ika ジンドウイカ(陣胴烏賊)
Loliolus japonica
eaten boiled. Shun season is spring.
kaminariika, kaminari ika かみなりいか
... „Donner-Tintenfisch“. mongo-ika für Sushi. Sepia lycidas
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kenzakiika, kenzaki ika けんざきいか
Schwertspitzen-Tintenfisch. Loligo edulis
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itozukuri 糸造り
sashimi けんざきいかの刺身
mimiika, mimi ika, dangoika みみイカ
„Ohren-Tintenfisch“. Euprymna morsei
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sodeika, sode ika そでいか
„Ärmel-Tintenfisch“. Thysanoteuthis rhombus
taruika たるいか
sashimi or grilled
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surumeika, surume ika, surume-ika
するめいか , するめイカ, スルメイカ, 鯣烏賊 flying squid, common squid
Japanischer fliegender Tintenfisch. Todarodes pacificus. Kalmar
from Hokkaito to Kyushu.
Shun season is winter.
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Noto hantoo no tsuriika tsuri-ika 能登半島の釣りいか
grilled, fried, dried
hitoyaboshi 一夜干 dried over night
okizuke するめいかの沖漬け pickles
nimono するめいかの煮物 cooked
spagetti するめいかのスパゲティ
togurokooika togurokoo ika トグロコウイカ
Posthörnchen. Spirula spirula
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yariika, yari ika やりいか , やりイカ spear squid
„Speer-Tintenfisch” . Loligo bleekeri.
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hoshi やりイカ生干しdried
soomen やりイカソーメン finely sliced
tomatoni やりイカのトマト煮、boiled with tomatoes
Yobuko ika よぶこイカ / 呼子(よぶこ)squid from Yobuko town
Sage prefecture
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Daruma-Ika だるまいか
soft Daruma Ika

寿都島牧名物, 島牧
from Shimamaki near Sutsu, West Hokkaido, near Shiribeshi
Slice Calmary
達摩魷魚(Daruma ika)
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Surume Ika Daruma いかだるま
okizuke 沖漬け preparation of small fish without innards or squid
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kibinago no okizuke キビナゴの沖漬け
hotaruika nihonkai mo haru no nami
firefly squid ...
the Sea of Japan finally shows
waves of springtime
Takaki Susu no Ie 高木鈴の家
sabishisa ga yakikorogashite hotaru ika
Nomura Toshiroo 能村登四郎
chichi no ki no machi ne dehajimeshi hotaru ika
on the day of
my father's death anniversary
firefly squid are in town
Sawaki Kinichi 沢木欣一
Related words
Octopus TAKO
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
ika uri no koe magirawashi hototogisu
the voice of the squid seller
hardly distinguishabel -
Matsuo Basho
Written around 貞亨元年, Basho age 41 or later.
The voice of the squid seller, carrying his stuff in two buckets on a pole over the shoulder, was a common sight in the summer of Edo.
Basho and the Hototogisu
ika uri no koe magirawashi hototogisu
a squid-seller's call:
indistinguishable from the
Matsuo Basho
Tr. Barnhill
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