
Mindful Eating


Mindful eating

This buzzword is suddenly sprouting in the Japanese media.

Mindful Eating as Food for Thought
TRY this:
place a forkful of food in your mouth. It doesn’t matter what the food is, but make it something you love — let’s say it’s that first nibble from three hot, fragrant, perfectly cooked ravioli.

Now comes the hard part. Put the fork down. This could be a lot more challenging than you imagine, because that first bite was very good and another immediately beckons. You’re hungry.

Today’s experiment in eating, however, involves becoming aware of that reflexive urge to plow through your meal like Cookie Monster on a shortbread bender. Resist it. Leave the fork on the table. Chew slowly. Stop talking. Tune in to the texture of the pasta, the flavor of the cheese, the bright color of the sauce in the bowl, the aroma of the rising steam.

Continue this way throughout the course of a meal, and you’ll experience the third-eye-opening pleasures and frustrations of a practice known as mindful eating.

Eat more HERE
source : www.nytimes.com


Mindfulness teachings from
Thich Nhat Hanh and Dr. Lilian Cheung

マインドフル イーティング
mindful eating(意識して食べる, 賢く食べる)
mindless eating(無意識に食べる)

- more reference -


source : www.meditation-tips.org

mindful eating -
the Zen cook gets
an extra bite

. Gabi Greve .


contribution from Larry
Circumstances arose one day which delayed preparation of the dinner of a Soto Zen master, Fugai [I don't know if this is Fuugai Ekun (ca. 1568-1654?) or Fuugai Hoonko (1779-1847)], and his followers. In haste the cook went to the garden with his curved knife and cut off the tops of green vegetables, chopping them together, and made soup, unaware that in his haste he had included a part of a snake in the vegetables.

The followers of Fugai thought they had never tasted such good soup. But when the master himself found the snakes head in his bowl, he summoned the cook.
"What is this?" he demanded, holding up the head of the snake.

"Oh, thank you master," replied the cook, taking the morsel and eating it quickly.

--from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones:
A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings,
compiled by Paul Reps

source : Zen Koans Database

'mindful eating' (headnote)

"Don't chew with your mouth open!"
"Don't talk with your mouth full!"
--Buddha's mom too, I bet!

or maybe she said,

"Don't chew with your mouth full!"
"Don't talk with your mouth open!"

Related words

. Vegetarian Temple Food
(shoojin ryoori 精進料理) .

. Tenzo 典座 the Zen Cook .


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