
Sex and Food


Sex, Fertility and Food

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. Penis Festivals
for a bountiful harvest

Honen Matsuri (Hoonen Matsuri 豊年祭)


Special food is prepared for these festivals.

Penis and vagina candy

penis for 600 yen
pussy for 600 yen


Penis Lollipops


Daikon Radish Penis


fuufu mochi 夫婦餅 His and Hers Mochi

MORE : penis souveniers

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** . Temple and Shrine Festivals and Food

***** WASHOKU : General Information



Gopan Bread Maker


Gopan Bread Maker

SANYO Announces the World First
Rice Bread Cooker "GOPAN"
that Can Easily Bake Rice Bread from Rice Grain at Home

Tokyo, July 13, 2010 -
SANYO Electric Co., Ltd. (SANYO) is pleased to announce the release of the world first rice bread cooker "GOPAN " that can easily bake rice bread in every home from rice grain. The product will be released for sale on October 8, 2010.

The Gopan looks similar to a rice cooker. Just add 220 grams of rice, 210 grams of water, sugar, salt and shortening in the bread pan, and gluten and dry yeast in the unit's automatic dispenser, and the machine grinds the grain, and kneads and bakes the dough in about four hours.

Rice is the principal food in Japan. However, the consumption of domestic rice has decreased by half compared to 1962. It is feared that the decreasing rice demand may negatively impact the development of technology in the agriculture field, and therefore slow improvement in the taste of rice, which will further contribute to the domestic consumption decrease. Meanwhile, the number of people concerned about the reliability of food has increased. Also, more and more people are checking farm producer's information before buying cooking ingredients.

source : sanyo.com/news


GOPAN is a play of words with

GOHAN, cooked rice
PAN, Japanese for Bread

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

Bread (pan) Brot

***** WASHOKU : General Information



Suizenji Nori


Suizenji nori (Suizenji nori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Plant



Suizenji-nori 水前寺のり / 水前寺海苔
an edible blue-green alga (cyanobacterium)
suizenji 水前寺(すいぜんじ)
shikon nori 紫金苔(しこんのり)"purple golden nori"
jusen nori 寿泉苔 "nori from the well of long life"
akizuki nori 秋月苔(あきづきのり) "autumn moon nori"

Aphanothece sacrum
Aphanothece sacrum (Suringar) Okada
スイゼンジノリ / ずいぜんじのり

a kind of blue algae that grows in fresh water 水生藍藻
It is now a natural treasure 天然記念物指定.

Along the upper regions of the river Koganegawa, along about 500 meters, water is divided into small shallow rivulets, where the alga grow on especially planted grass. They need a lot of mineral in the water and a temperature of about 18 - 20 degrees centigrade.
Most of it floats in the water as small black pieces, until it catches some grass to grow larger. It is rather wobbely and jelly-like when harvested.

It was allowed to be harvested by the lord of Akatsuki Domain, who gave a written report to a family in Asakura, which still harvests and produces it in the traditional way by hand. So it has a tradition of more than 250 years.

About one kilo of the mashed laver is spread on earthen tiles, about 1 cm thick, and let dry naturally. After that the rather flat pieces are now put on wooden planks, smothered with a bit of water into perfect shape (about A4 sixe plates) and let dry again.

Before eating, it can be put into water to gain back its thickness.

Put in soup or as tsukudani, it is a welcome source of minerals.

Suizenji Nori Salad with sanbaizu vinegar or Tosa Vinegar.


dating back to the Hosokawa lord of old domain of Bingo 肥後細川藩

100 grams of dried nori contain
21,8 g protein
1200 mg calcium
68,8 mg iron
1,39 mg vitamin B1
1m38 mg vitamin B2


Photo from Kisendo 喜泉堂

Fukuoka prefecture, Koganegawa, Asakura town
River Koganegawa belonged to the former domain of Akitsuki han 秋月藩.

The nori have been found near the temple Suizen-Ji 水前寺 at lake Ezuko 江津湖.
These sweet-water nori are the first plants to bring oxygen to the earth in early times.

They are black when swimming in the water and contain two color components
青色のフィコシアニン green phycocyanin
赤色のフィコエリスリン red phycoerythrin


Worldwide use


Things found on the way


suimono wa mazu dekasareshi Suizenji

the soup
was served first -
temple Suizenji

Matsuo Basho
On his trip to Higo Kumamoto, where he was eager to savor the nori, which were already famous in his days.
Soup is usually served at the end of a meal, or sometimes eaten during a banquet. Basho found it amazing to get the soup first when he wrote his haiku about it.

More hokku about food by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Related words

***** egonori 恵古苔 (えごのり) egonori laver
egoten えごてん jelly made from egonori
ego konnyaku えごこんにゃく konnyaku made from egonori
okiuto おきうと "okiuto weed"

It grows in Hakata bay and is a local souvenier. It has been collected by woman divers (ama) of the Genkai Sea for more than 200 years. Local people eat it with soy sauce for breakfast.
It is low in calories and became a popular diet food in recent years.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


***** . Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan Including laver (nori),  

***** WASHOKU :




Fruit Wine


Fruit wine (furuutsu wain)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity



furuutsu wain フルーツワイン Fruit Wine

From Kurume Town, Fukuoka Kyushu.
An old winery ワイナリー has started to test various fruit of the region to make deliciuos wine.
林田伝兵衛 Hayashida Denbei is the main soul behind this project.

CLICK for more delicious photos

amaou あまおう / 甘王 Amao strawberries
rather big, round and very sweet. They are a new variety of the area.
Lit. "Sweet King".
They are also used for various types of sweets and pies.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

ichigo wain 苺ワイン、イチゴワイン strawberry wine
When made from Amao strawberries, the stems are also used, to give it some extra strong taste.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

kaki wain 柿ワイン Persimmon wine
This is also produced in other regions of Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

kiui wain  キウイワイン kiwi wine
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

natsumikan wain ナツミカンワイン ・夏蜜柑ワイン mandarine wine
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! 

ukon wain ウコンワイン tumeric wine,
curcuma wine

This is rater bitter and more of a medicine. But certainly good for your health.

yasai wain 野菜ワイン vegetable wine
from seasonal mixed vegetables, like carrots, radish, shiitake in winter.


Hakata amao 博多あまおう / 甘王 Amao strawberries
from Hakata, Fukuoka Prefecture


uirudo buruuberii ワイルドブルーベリー blueberry wine

Worldwide use


Things found on the way


Obstweinprobe -
der dicke Mann trinkt
für zwei

Astrid Abendrot

Related words

***** WASHOKU :




Mitsu-imo sweet potato


Honey Sweet Potato (mistu-imo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Plant



mitsuimo, mitsu imo 蜜芋 "honey sweet potato"

CLICK for more photos

This is a new, or rather old, type of the satsuma sweet potatoes.

It has been grown in Tanegashima for many years, trying to breed it back to the origins of this kind of potato.
It is rather round, not long as the satsuma potato. And its color when boiled is pure gold, just so delicious !

When you roast it in the oven, the sweet juices, like honey, squeeze out of the peel.

Tanegashima Annoo Imo 種子島あんのう芋 / 安納芋
shizen no suiito poteto 天然のスイートポテト

Tanegashima is one of the oldest growing areas of this potato. Its sugar content is about two times more than that of normal satsuma potatoes. So it is a natural "sweet desert".

You can eat it just like that, baked in the microwave or in the oven.

It is also used for other sweets, like pound cake or cookies.


Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Related words

***** . satsumaimo 甘藷 さつまいも sweet potato  


Nanuka no on-sechiku


Seasonal feast on the
seventh day of the seventh lunar month

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Autumn
***** Category: Observance



nanuka no on-sechiku 七日の御節供
Official seasonal feast on the
seventh day of the seventh lunar month

sakubei 索餅(さくべい) Sakubei-noodles

..... sakobei, rice brittle


noodles, sakubei さくべい 索餅
CLICK for more photos

The oldest form of the noodles, sakubei, produced by adding rice powder to flour and twist them like a rope, was introduced from China in the eighth century. Now we have udon and soomen nodles.
Sakubei are also served during the New Year Feast

Ganjitsu no Sechi-E 元日節会

Sakubei-noodles were also called "wheat ropes" (muginawa 牟義縄(むぎなわ)) in China. These noodles later developed to Somen-noodles 素麺(そうめん)in Japan


During this ritual, offerings are made to the deities and later eaten by the participants of a feast.
To eat the Sakubei-noodles would ward off evil and disease (okoriyamai 瘧病) for the coming months of the year.
details see below

Samurai and townspeople wore white katabira official robes, eat these Sakubei-noodles and later Somen-noodles and congratulate each other for their good health.

Worldwide use

. nanuka no sechi-e なぬかのせちえ【七日の節会】
Seasonal Feast on the seventh day (of the New Year)
hakubasai 白馬祭(はくばさい) Festival of the White Horse
aouma no sechi-e 青馬(あおうま)の節会(せちえ)
ao-uma no matsuri 青馬祭 (あおうまのまつり)

Things found on the way


索餅に 魂なぐさめん 高辛氏
sakubei ni tamashi nagusamen Kooshin shi

with Sakubei-noodles
we try to pacify his soul -
Emperor Koshin

Sada Kane 貞兼

According to Chinese legend, the child of the legendary emperor Koshi 高辛 (also called Koshinshi) died on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, and became a revengeful demon (霊鬼神). This demon brought feaver-diseases to the people (okori yamai).
To appease this demon and ward off feverish diseases, people started to offer Sakubei-noodles for him., because they were a well-loved food of the child.

Related words

***** Food of the New Year Season, O-Setchi Ryori
(osetchi ryoori おせち料理, 御節料理 )

. Star Festival (Tanabata)  
On the Seventh Day of the Seventh Lunar Month






JULY ... shichigatsu 七月



.............. July 12, 2010

Announces Japan-wide Sale of
Pizzas made from Domestic Rice Flour

Pizza Hut Inc., a major pizza delivery chain with branches all over Japan, has been selling pizzas made using domestic rice flour since May 2010. In support of the activities of "Food Action Nippon," which runs national campaigns to improve Japan's food self-sufficiency, and its Rice Flour Club, which promotes rice flour consumption, Pizza Hut has begun using rice flour in its pizza dough.

Pizza Hut has refined its dough recipe to maintain its unique texture and flavor over the past three years, as this was the company's highest priority regarding the introduction of rice flour. To ensure safety and reliability, as well as consistency in the quality and quantity of rice, the company opted to use Koshihikari brand rice from contracted farmers in Tainai City, Niigata Prefecture, and succeeded in creating good rice flour by milling the Koshihikari using two-step milling technology.

Pizza Hut became a partner in the "Food Action Nippon" promotion in September 2009, aiming to promote domestic agricultural production. It has also joined the Rice Flour Club as part of its sale of pizzas made from rice flour. Pizza Hut now aims to develop other rice flour products in order to act as a bridge between rice producers and consumers.
source : www.japanfs.org



.............. July 3, 2009

 "The Niigata Sake Book"
新潟県酒造組合 (編集)
Translated from Japanese, publisher: Japan Times
"Niigata Seishu Tatsujin Kentei Koshiki Tekisuto Bukku"
Japanese published in 2007


Tobacco Cafe / Cafe Tobacco 喫煙カフェ 新宿
Near Shinjuku station

Since most places in Tokyo are now non-smoking areas, this is an oasis for smokers.


.............. July 4, 2009

宮崎ビーフバーガー Biggest Burger at Miyazaki Seagaia

The world's biggest hamburger.
It weighs 136.2 kilograms -- bigger than the world record of 84.14 kilograms. Here is is at Sunbeach Hitsotsuba in Miyazaki on Saturday, July 4. The burger was made by 15 Phoenix Seagaia 宮崎シーガイア Resort chefs over eight hours, using 70 kilograms of beef and 30 kilograms of pork. It will be submitted for registration in the Guinness Book of Records if one sells over the next year. It sells for 150.000 Yen a piece.
source : yummy-honey.cocolog-nifty.com


.............. July 3, 2009

an environmentally conscious home renovation company based in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, started procuring organic rice for its employees in March 2009. The objective of its Komé-Mamé Project (Komé-Mamé (kome mame) means rice and beans) is to increase employee interest in food and agriculture while supporting organic farmers within Saitama.
Shimosato farm in Ogawa, Yoshinori Kaneko
source : www.japanfs.org


.............. July 9, 2009

Ramen robot replaces fleshy chef at Yamanashi eatery

Yamanashi -- "Momozono Robot Ramen," a ramen shop that opened here in November last year, is gaining popularity not only for its delicious ramen noodles, but for its robotic chef.

The ramen-making robot was built by 60-year-old shop owner Yoshihira Uchida, who spent about 20 million yen on its construction. Customers can place their orders on a computer in the shop, customizing various aspects such as the levels of soy sauce, salt, and richness of the soup. Uchida says there are 40 million different flavor permutations.

The noodles themselves are cooked by a human, with the robot creating a perfectly blended soup which is then delivered to the human chef via a conveyor belt, who adds the noodles and toppings. The whole process takes only about two minutes, a minute shorter than instant cup noodles. Prices of ramen per bowl are 500 yen for regular size and 300 yen for small size.

Uchida developed a love of electronics during elementary and junior high school, which he went on to study at the Musashi Institute of Technology (now Tokyo City University) and the University of Toyama's graduate school, focusing on electronic circuits and motors. After graduating, Uchida worked on noodle-packing machines at a food manufacturer until he retired from the company last year.

While working for the company, Uchida, a huge noodle lover, opened a soba noodle shop 10 years ago. He later started to make ramen -- which received mixed comments from friends, with some saying the taste was strong, and others too weak. In the end, Uchida hit upon the idea of creating a robot that can allow customers to choose the flavor they want.

source : (Mainichi Japan) July 4, 2009

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


.............. July 13, 2009

Suntory Holdings Ltd and Kirin Holdings Co

Japan's top two beverage makers, Kirin and Suntory, are considering merging their operations, a Suntory spokesman said Monday.
A merger would help the companies overcome a saturated domestic market with an aging population and compete more strongly with large international brands.

source : Mainichi Shinbun, July 13


.............. July 18, 2009

Miele Guide
The Miele Guide is a regional guide book to restaurants in Asia.
It is published by Singapore-based Ate Media, and officially sponsored by the German home appliance maker Miele.
They will launch a charity month in Asia, with more than 50 hotels participating.
They promise to donate 15 percent of this to the United Nations World Food Program.


International Tokyo Toy Show 2009
Jul 17, 2009 - Jul 19, 2009
The International Tokyo Toy Show kicked off Thursday at Tokyo Big Sight.
Cooking toys are a great hit this year.

WASHOKU : Toys and Food


.............. July 24, 2009
Beer for 100 Yen !
Sapporo Beer, Ebisu Stout Creamy Top
エビス スタウト クリーミートップ
Yebisu Creamy Top Stout
CLICK for more photos


.............. July 29, 2009

Chewing gum FITs (フィッツ)ロッテ Fit's ミックス / ロッテ Fit's シトラス
in three flavors and easy out of the box
CLICK here for PHOTOS !


Related words

JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

FEBRUARY ... nigatsu 二月

MARCH ... sangatsu 三月

APRIL ... shigatsu 四月

MAY ... gogatsu 五月

JUNE ... rokugatsu 六月

JULY ... shichigatsu 七月

NOVEMBER ... juuichigatsu 十一月  

DECEMBER ... juunigatsu 十二月  

