Honey Sweet Potato (mistu-imo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Plant
mitsuimo, mitsu imo 蜜芋 "honey sweet potato"

This is a new, or rather old, type of the satsuma sweet potatoes.
It has been grown in Tanegashima for many years, trying to breed it back to the origins of this kind of potato.
It is rather round, not long as the satsuma potato. And its color when boiled is pure gold, just so delicious !
When you roast it in the oven, the sweet juices, like honey, squeeze out of the peel.
Tanegashima Annoo Imo 種子島あんのう芋 / 安納芋
shizen no suiito poteto 天然のスイートポテト
Tanegashima is one of the oldest growing areas of this potato. Its sugar content is about two times more than that of normal satsuma potatoes. So it is a natural "sweet desert".
You can eat it just like that, baked in the microwave or in the oven.
It is also used for other sweets, like pound cake or cookies.
Worldwide use
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Related words
***** . satsumaimo 甘藷 さつまいも sweet potato
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