Figure waffles (ningyooyaki 人形焼)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season:
***** Category: Humanity
ningyoyaki, ningyooyaki, ningyoo yaki, ningyoo-yaki
waffles in the form of small figures
are small snack cakes, made from cooking batter of flour, eggs and sugar in an iron mold. They are sold both with and without sweet bean paste (anko).
Many come in the form of the seven gods of good luck (shichifukujin 七福神) or the great lantern at the Kaminarimon gate of Asakusa temple.

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They come from the Ningyocho-District of Edo.
This main street has many restaurants, teas shops and Japanese style bars (izakaya).
The confectionary stores sell the famous NINGYOYAKI from the area.
This sweet is also sold at Asakusa.

The people of Edo believed in the worship of the seven gods of good luck. Each shrine is located in the Ningyocho district. It takes about an hour to stroll around all the shrines. Each god has its own luck you can receive by visiting the shrine.

Benten, Benzaiten Ningyoyaki 弁財天
One of the Seven Gods of Good Luck
A special one is the TAIYAKI
sea bream waffles 鯛焼き taiyaki
kigo for all winter
WASHOKU : Asakusa
Himeji 姫路名物『お城やき』O-Shiro-Yaki
Castle waffles
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Daruma San waffles だるま人形焼
There is a special waffle iron to make them !

. Daruma Yaki だるま焼き Taiyaki Daruma たい焼き達磨

shinryoku ni ningyooyaki no kaori tatsu
among the fresh green
there is the fragrance of
figure waffles
Akane あかね
source : あかね
Related words
***** . Shichi-Fukujin 七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .
***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI
. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo .

source : ゆたほん
Ningyoochoo, Ningyōchō 人形町 Ningyocho, Ningyo-Cho
"Doll district", "Doll-maker distsrict"
. 中央区 Chuo Ward "Central Ward" .
- quote -
Ningyocho is sophisticated district of old downtown Edo with history and tradition, located in central Tokyo’s Nihonbashi. This neighborhood with a flair of old downtown Edo is home of Amazake Yokocho street, and is popular among people young and old.

Mechanical figurine clock towers: Symbols of Ningyocho
There are two clock towers on opposite sides of Ningyocho-dori Street. They feature themes of hikeshi firefighters and rakugo comic storytelling.
On the every hour, from 11 am to 7 pm, their figurines move to entertain tourists and others passing by.
The area holds many traditional crafts shops dating back to the Edo period and tasty long-established eateries. One can experience Japan’s unique feel of the seasons that it is becoming harder to find today through seasonal events such as the Flower Festival, chinaware market, and doll market.
Ningyocho gets its name from being a town of dolls (ningyo). In the past, it was a lively town of those involved with dolls, such as doll makers, puppeteers, and puppet theaters. About 400 years ago in Edo era, when the Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa ruled, Ningyocho was vibrant as the birthplace of Edo Kabuki theater. Puppet shows for the common people too developed into affordable entertainment, gaining great popularity.
The very famous Suitengu Shrine that is said to bring fortune for safe childbirth and childrearing can also be found in Ningyocho. On Inu no Hi* that is said to be a fortuitous day for safe childbirth, many pregnant women and their families come to worship at the shrine.
is even today colored with the traditions and customs of old downtown and features sophisticated customs. It is popular as a town of tradition, and is lively with visitors of all kinds. Long-standing restaurants, traditional craft shops that exhibit skills passed down from the past, Japanese sweets shops indispensable for the tea ceremony, and more can be found here.
*Inu no Hi, literally “dog day”,
is day in the oriental zodiac that comes once every 12 days. From ages past, the first “dog day” of the fifth month of pregnancy has been a time when pregnant women traditionally wrap their belly in cloth and pray for safe childbirth. As dogs are said to have an easy time giving birth, this is a good time to pray for safe childbirth.
- source : ningyocho.or.jp/english -
. shinise 老舗 a long-established store in Edo .
Ningyoyaki Honpo Itakuraya (Ningyoyaki: small buns with the faces of deities)
Ningyocho Imahan (sukiyaki and shabu-shabu)
Ningyocho Shinodazushi Sohonten (sushi)
- reference : edo ningyocho -
. Motoosakachoo 元大阪町 Moto-Osaka district .
Chuo ward, Nihonbashi, Ningyocho first sub-district
. manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .

. Food and Drink with Kappa 河童 .
#ningyocho #motoosakacho #osakacho #ningyoyaki
Thanks for a delicious treat!
A Daruma Friend.
I suggest figure waffles
to the waitress
*International House of Pancakes
A little senryu to sweeten your day...
ciao... chibi
- Japan Times -
Have you heard of Cronut?
-- Dominique Ansel’s famous Cronut has inspired endless imitations in Japan, including a croissant taiyaki sold at Gindaco stands across the country, as well as other bizarre hybrid pastries.
Yoshicho 芳町 former 花街 red-light district, now Ningyocho
Temple Daikannon-Ji 大観音寺 - Ningyocho
the main statue is Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu 聖観世音菩薩 Sho-Kannon .
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