Chocolate (chokoreeto)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity

Chocolates can be infused with flavors by using extracts, oils or alcohol extracts.
chokoreeto チョコレート
choko チョコ
milk chocolate
bitter chocolate
Swiss chocolate
Valentine's Day
giri choko (ぎりちょこ) 義理チョコ
. "duty to give chocolate"
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Giri is a Japanese value roughly corresponding to "duty", "obligation", or even "burden of obligation" in English, but one with a far more pervasive influence on the Japanese world view and culture than its English equivalent. It is defined as "to serve one's superiors with a self-sacrificing devotion" by Namiko Abe. Indeed, the conflict between giri and ninjō, or human feeling, is said to be the primary topic of Japanese drama since historical periods. Today, social critics decry the diminishing influence of giri on shinjinrui, the new generations of Japan, who pursue an individualistic path in life that seems quite foreign to traditionalists.
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der rechte Weg; richtiges Verhalten, Moralitätf; Sittlichkeit; Tugendhaftigkeit. Verpflichtung; Pflicht; Pflichtgefühl
Lately this has changed to
tomochoko, tomo choko 友チョコ chocolate for friends
which girls give to their girlfriends
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imojoochuu shokora 芋焼酎ショコラ
chocolate filled with satsuma potato liquor
imo joochuu nama chokoreeto 焼酎生チョコレート
Also made in Yakushima Island.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Imo Jochu Nama Choco Ganache / ガナッシュ
chokoreeto ganasshu チョコレートガナッシュ ganache chocolate
ganasshu choko ガナッシュチョコ
Various chocolate cream cakes
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The cream is also filled into chocolate bonbons チョコレートボンボン.
Matcha chocolate with green powered tea
まっちゃ【 抹茶チョコレート】
Meiji Rich Matcha Chocolate
Meiji melty kiss matcha chocolate

. . . CLICK here for more macha sweets Photos !
Sweets from green Uji Tea with Chocolate

Olives Chocolate, Olive chocolate !
oriibu chokoreeto
from Shodoshima 小豆島
shio choko 塩チョコ chocolate with salt
salty almond chocolate
Mandelschokolade mit Salz
Salty Sweets (shioaji suiitsu)
Worldwide use
Milchschokolade, bittere Schokolade, Schweizer Schokolade
Things found on the way
Aso manjuu with chocolate 麻生まんじゅう
Manju with the faces of Japanese politicians
potechi ポテチ potato chips or potato sticks covered with chocolate
"Hokkaido Choco Potato"
. . . CLICK here for chocolate potatochips Photos !
Hokkaido choko poteto 北海度 チョコポテト
Hokkaido potatos with chocolate
Kartoffeln mit Schokoladeguss
Daruma Dolls for the Doll Festival

Hina Matsuri and Daruma
CLICK for more Choko Daruma Photos チョコだるま

Daruma Chocolates in a bag
Thank you, Ishino san !

chokoreeto kosumosu チョコレートコスモス
brown cosmos flowers with the smell of chocolate
Cosmos (kosumosu) Cosmos bipinnatus as KIGO
barentain dii choko no yukugata wa mune ni hime
Valentine's Day -
where the chocolates disappered
I will keep for myself
Tachibana Tadako 立花忠子
source : www.ami-yacon.jp
Related words
Hot Chocolate, a drink
WASHOKU : Chocolate
***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI
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