Miyajima Stationlunch
Miyamima Ekiben Station lunchbox
宮島うえのの穴子飯 Miyajima Ueno no Anagomeshi
Anagomeshi あなごめし
Anago sea eel is a speciality from this area.
Congriscus megastomus, Meeraal, conger eel, salt-water eel
But even this eel is getting less and less in the waters off Miyajima.

It has been sold for many years, now the maker is in the 13th generation!
UENO is the name of the maker, who is now in the 4th generation, Ueno Junichi 上野純一.
When he found the many old wrappers from the time of his grandfather, he decided to make the bento again.
During the war, when there was not enough rice, they served in on bread.
The present Ueno san learned the taste of this bento from his mother. The rice is cooked with a special broth of the simmered anago. There is only a layer of fish on the cooked rice and just a few pieces of vegetables in a corner.
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The bento box is still made from real wood. In this way, the hot rice can loose some of its water through the bottom of the box and gets more tasty.
In the kitchen, there is only room for cooking rice for 20 bento, then a new load must be cooked. 20 minutes is just the time the helpers need to get the rice out of the pot and into the bento boxes, to keep the good taste.

There used to be many trains stopping at the station, but with the event of the Shinkansen, the line is rather quiet and the business quite difficult.
Dishes from Hiroshima Prefecture
WASHOKU : Eel dishes (unagi) Japan. Some are kigo
Ehomaki 恵方巻き Sushi Roll (ehoomaki)for Setsubun
Yahata-maki やはたまき (八幡巻き) anago roll
Speciality of Yahata, Kyoto
kigo for all summer
anago 穴子 (あなご) sea eel, conger eel
..... 海鰻(あなご)
anagotsuri あなご釣(あなごつり)fishing for anago
maanago, ma-anago真穴子(まあなご)
hakarime はかりめ
anagonabe あなご鍋(あなごなべ)hodgepot with anago
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anago is most often simmered to put on sushi or deep-fried as tempura.

アナゴ寿司 Anago sushi 穴子寿司
Miyajima station, Hiroshima prefecture
JR西日本・宮島駅 Main Line
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The island of Itsukushima, in the Seto inland sea, has been a holy place of Shintoism since the earliest times. The first shrine buildings here were probably erected in the 6th century. The present shrine dates from the 12th century and the harmoniously arranged buildings reveal great artistic and technical skill. The shrine plays on the contrasts in colour and form between mountains and sea and illustrates the Japanese concept of scenic beauty, which combines nature and human creativity.
whc.unesco . Itsukushima Shinto Shrine
Miyajima town 宮島
Itsukushima (厳島) is an island in the Inland Sea of Japan.
It is popularly known as Miyajima (宮島), the Shrine Island.
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Things found on the way
The great rice paddle shamoji in Miyajima 宮島しゃもじ
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The White Horse of the Gods at Miyajima 宮島白馬
umai aji anago yakarete natsu no zen
delicious taste -
a conger eeal grilled
for a summer lunch
Matsui Shinzoo 松井信三
. Itsukushima Shrine and Kigo 厳島神社
Related words
eel, unagi, 鰻、うなぎ, Aal KIGO
Ekiben 駅弁 Station Lunch Box
Regional Japanese Dishes
Roadside stations (michi no eki 道の駅) Highway Service Areas
kigo for late summer
Itsukushima matsuri 厳島祭 (いつくしままつり) Itsukushima Festival
厳島管絃祭(いつくしまかんげんさい) Itsukushima kangen sai
kyoogibune, kyōgibune 経木舟 kyogibune
boat from paper-thin sheets of wood
used for this ekiben
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