Quail (uzura)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity
uzura 鶉 ( うずら) quail, Wachtel
Coturnix coturnix, Coturnix coturnix japonica
Japanese Quail, Coturnix japonica
species of quail found in East Asia. They are a migratory species, breeding in Manchuria, southeastern Siberia, and northern Japan, and wintering in southern the Japanese Island, the Korean Peninsula, and southern China. They dwell in grasslands and cultivated fields. The plumage of the Japanese Quail is a speckled yellow-brown, with a creamy white strip above the eye. Adults are approximately 20 centimeters in length and weigh about 80 - 130g. The species is abundant across most of its range.
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It belongs to the kiji pheasant family, but has not such a long tail.
Quais were kept by the rich in the Edo period to enjoy the calling in autumn and an egg once in a while. They were not eaten as meat.
Most daimyo lords had quail farmers, they came righ after the uguisu nightingales.
When showing off their birds in contests, they fought for the best voice, the form of the beak and the patterns of the feathers. Each daimyo brought some of his male birds and they were let out in the yeard all together. They began to cry for their teritory. The one who could cry the longest and loudest was winner.
Conoisseurs could divide three types of voices
kuu 「クワ頭」 choo 「チョ頭」koki 「コキ頭」
three types of beaks
three types of bodies
like a lobster, a crab or a mountain 「海老背」「蟹背」「山形背」
three types of tails
three types of speckles
white 「白府」red 「赤府」mixed「ボケ府」
three types of head forms
like a crane「鶴首」like a chicken 「雌鳥首」like a wild boar「猪首」
- and a pun
uzura o kakeru 憂面を掛ける : u zura - woeful face
- quote -
History of The Japanese (Coturnix) Quails
..... The first written records of domesticated quail in Japan date from the twelfth century. These birds were initially developed for song. It is claimed that a Japanese Emperor obtained relief from tuberculosis after eating quail meat, and this led to selection of domestic quail for meat and egg production in Japan in the latter part of the nineteenth century (Howes, 1964).
By 1910, the Japanese quail in Japan were widely cultured for their meat and eggs. Between 1910 and 1941, the population of Japanese quail increased rapidly in Japan especially in the Tokyo, Mishima, Nagoya, Gifu and Toyohashi areas. This period also represented a time of imperial expansion in Japanese history and domesticated Japanese quail were established in Korea, China, Taiwan an d Hong Kong, and later on spread to Southeast Asia.
- source : thatquailplace.com/quail -
kigo for late spring
denso kashtie uzura to naru 田鼠化して鴽となる
(でんそかして うずらとなる)
a mole transforms and becomes a quail
denso is another word for mogura, a mole.
. shichinuniko 七十二候 72 seasonal points .
second point of seimei, now around April 10 - 14.
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
tobi uzura nezumi no mukashi wasururu na
you flying quail -
don't forget you have been
a mole once
mugi uzura 麦鶉 (むぎうずら) quail in the wheat field,
about march and april. It is the mating seasen and the voice has a rather high pitch.
aiu, ai-u 合生(あいう) "looking for a mate"
hihi naki ひひ鳴き(ひひなき) calling out "hi hi"
..... (imitating the sound of the mating cry)
(The meat of the bird is best in this time.)
uzura no su 鶉の巣 nest of the quail
kigo for summer
kigo for all autumn
uzura 鶉 ( うずら) quail, Wachtel
Coturnix japonica
uzurabu 鶉斑(うずらふ)spots of the quail
on its rather brown feathers it has blackish spots.
uzura naku 鶉鳴く (うずらなく) cry of the quail
In autumn when the wild flowers begin to wither, it runs around in the fields and cries "guggu guggu ruru" with a pleasant voice. This has been the subject of poetry since the Heian period.
They were also kept in the Edo period for their nice song, which sounded like "gokitchoo" 「ご吉兆(ゴキッチョー)」, a good lucky omen.
katauzura 片鶉(かたうずら)
morouzura 諸鶉(もろうずら)
uzura no toko 鶉の床(うずらのとこ)nest of the quail
kakeuzura 駆鶉(かけうずら)quail running around
uzurano 鶉野(うずらの)field with quails
uzura awase 鶉合せ(うずらあわせ)
bringing quail together to have a singing contest
uzurakago 鶉籠(うずらかご)cage for a quail

. uzuraguruma うずら車 quail car toy .

food with quail eggs (not kigo)
Since the Edo period, the meat has also been eaten. They were also kept for their nice song, which sounded like like the auspicious "gokitchoo" 「ご吉兆(ゴキッチョー)」, a good lucky omen.
When they are around 60 days, they are ready to be eaten.
Aichi prefecture, Toyohashi town is famous for quail farms. Aichi has 70% of Japanese quail.
Quail eggs and Suzuki Tsuneji from Toyohashi

packed with the shell or already boiled
quails eggs ウズラの卵 / うずらの卵 uzura no tamago
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They have a high amount of cholesterol and more vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids that chicken eggs. They are good for children, elderly and reconvalescent people.
They are also said to help improve the male sex life.
They eaten on skewers (kushiage), in miso soup and ramen noodle soup, on curry rice and other dishes.
uzura no hanjuku tamago 鶉の半熟卵 soft boiled quail eggs

quail eggs on a stick, with salt

quail eggs deep-fried on a stick ... kushiage

with kamaboko, as a decoration for the Doll Festival
Worldwide use
Wachtelei, Wachteleier
Things found on the way
Dolls of wool and quail eggs
(Some look like my dear Daruma!)

source : popo-chan.at.
kiri no ki ni uzura naku naru hei no uchi
A tall paulownia,
and a quail calling out
behind a high fence.
Tr. Steven D. Carter
near paulownia trees
quails are calling -
inside the garden wall
Tr. Greve
Written in 元禄3年, Basho age 47.
At this time, rich people used to keep quails as a kind of pet and enjoy their calling.
Mabye an allusion to a waka by Fujiwara no Shunzei 藤原俊成
In the evening, near the wild fields, where the autumn wind blows
the quails are calling out with ruefull voices near the village of Fukakusa.
Fukakusa is a district in Fushimi, Kyoto.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Related words
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
WASHOKU : eggs (tamago)
***** World Kigo Database
1 comment:
Mingei - folk toys from Fukushima
. uzuraguruma うずら車 - 鶉車 quail on wheels, quail car .
Adatarayama no uzuraguruma あだたら山のうずら車 / 安達太良山
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