Seafood in Summer
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Humanity

All Summer
Awabi 鮑 (あわび, 鰒) abalone
Haliotis giganitea
Sekiketsumei 石決明(せきけつめい)
collecting awabi, awabi tori 鮑取(あわびとり)
The woman divers (ama) are famous for collecting awabi along the shores of Japan. It is a speciality on all beach restaurants.
Soup is a speciality of Aomori.
awabi odoriyaki あわび踊り焼き "dancing abalone", grilled alive
ichigoni, ichigo-ni いちご煮 seafood soup with uni and awabi, abalone from Iwate
Seeohr; Abalone
. awabi zaiku, awabizaiku あわび細工 Awabi shell craft .
. awabi densetsu あわび アワビ 鰒 鮑伝説 abalone legends .
Funamushi 船虫 (ふなむし, 舟虫) sea slater
Ligia exotica
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Not usually eaten.
Gangaze がんがぜ long spined sea urchin
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Hotategai 帆立貝 (ほたてがい, 海扇) scallop; scollop
Patinopecten yessoensis
Pecten maximus, Japanese (sea) scallop
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海扇, the Chinese caracters indicate a fan of the sea, because its shell looks like that.
its adductor muscle, kaibashira かいばしら(貝柱), is a favorite food.
The roe called "coral", is red or white and soft to eat.
One of the most important seafood items in Japan.
It is also the family crest of the Lord of Akita and therefore also called "Akita shell" Akitagai 秋田貝(あきたがい).
Most hotategai come from Hokkaido and the Northern provinces of Japan. They come wild, enhanced, and as aquaculture.
kaibashira used for sushi can also be from any other kind of shellfish, e.g. mussels, oysters, or clams.
The scallop shell is the traditional emblem of Saint James the Greater and is popular with pilgrims on the Way of St James to the apostle's shrine at Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
The German word for scallop is "Jakobsmuschel".
One legend of the Way of St. James holds that the route was seen as a sort of fertility pilgrimage, undertaken when a young couple desired to bear offspring. The scallop shell is believed to have originally been carried therefore by pagans as a symbol of fertility.
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Hoya 海鞘 (ほや, 老海鼠) sea squirt, ascidian
mahoya 真海鞘(まほや)
white hoya, shirohoya 白海鞘(しろほや)
red hoya, akahoya 赤海鞘(あかほや)
black hoya, kurohoya 黒海鞘(くろほや)
"craw hoya", karasu hoya 烏海鞘(からすほや)
..... not to mix with the namako 海鼠 (なまこ) .
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ほやの酢の物 hoya no su no mono, vinegared hoya, speciality of Miyagi.
Seescheide, eine Art Seegurke, siehe auch namako.
. namako 海鼠 sea cucumber, sea slug .
Kani 蟹 (かに) crab, crabs
small crab, kogani 小蟹(こがに)
swamp crab, sawagani 沢蟹(さわがに)
hidden crab, kakuregani 隠蟹(かくれがに)
ashiharagani 葦原蟹(あしはらがに)
"red arm" crab, akategani 赤手蟹(あかてがに)
rock crab, iwagani 岩蟹(いわがに)
beach crab, izogani 磯蟹(いそがに)
sand crab, sunagani 砂蟹(すながに)
"mud leg" crab, doroashigani 泥脚蟹(どろあしがに)
eggs of crabs, kani no ko 蟹の子(かにのこ)
hole of a crab, kani no ana 蟹の穴(かにのあな)
foam of a crab, kani no awa 蟹の泡(かにのあわ)
a sign of freshness in the seafood store.
Benkei gani 弁慶蟹(べんけいがに)
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Benkei was a strong warrior, follower of Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
All kinds of crabs end on the dinner table. There are even special crab restaurants.
Fukui is famous for ゆでがに yudegani, boiled crabs.
Iriomote island of Okinawa serves gazami soba, with buckwheat noodles.
Crab (kani) Japan. Chesapeake Bay, USA
King Crab (tarabagani), Queen Crab (zuwaigani), swamp crab (zawagani)
Kurage 水母 (くらげ, 海月) jellyfish, medusa
lit. "water mother"
Echizen urage 越前水母(えちぜんくらげ)
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They have increased in numbers in recent years and post quite a threat to the local fishing industry with their size and number.
Sometimes used for Chinese dishes. Their hat can be up to one meter in diameter.
Bizen kurage 備前水母(びぜんくらげ)from the Bizen area
red jellyfish, akakurage 赤水母(あかくらげ)
"lamp jellyfish", andon kurage 行燈水母(あんどんくらげ)
Amakusa kurage 天草水母(あまくさくらげ)from an area near Nagasaki
"fire jellyfish" hikurage 火水母(ひくらげ)
they hurt when they sting swimmers
ibokurage 疣水母(いぼくらげ)
ebikurage 蝦水母(えびくらげ)
purple jellyfish, murasaki kurage 紫水母(むらさきくらげ)
octopus jellyfish, tako kurage 蛸水母(たこくれげ)
ghost jellyfish, yuurei kurage 幽霊水母(ゆうれいくらげ)
Qualle; Meduse
Jellyfish, Medusa as KIGO
Naganishi 長辛螺 (ながにし) perplexed spindle shell

Fusinus perplexus
sakasa hoozuki さかさほおずき
hetanari 甲香(へたなり)
"smelling conch", koora 香螺(こうら)
Favorite toy for girls at the beach. Its form resembles the horagai conch.
Sarigani, zarigani 蜊蛄 (ざりがに 躄蟹) crayfish, crawfish
Japanese river crab
Cambaroides japonicus
Japanischer Flusskrebs
Shako 蝦蛄 (しゃこ) squilla, mantis shrimp
Oratosquilla oratoria
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Tenagaebi, tenaga ebi 手長蝦 (てながえび)
shrimp "with long arms"
river shrimp
tsuetsuki ebi 杖突蝦(つえつきえび)、草蝦(くさえび)、たなかせ、
川蝦(かわえび 川〈海老〉)
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. Tako
octopus, pl. octopi, たこ 章魚、蛸, 鮹
pots for fishing octopus, takotsubo 蛸壺
Krake, Oktopus
. . . . . and
mugiwaradako 麦藁章魚 (むぎわらだこ)
"octopus in wheat straw"..... 麦藁蛸(むぎわらだこ)
kigo for mid-summer
Umihozuki, umi hoozuki 海酸漿 (うみほおずき)
naginata hoozuki 長刀ほおずき(なぎなたほおずき)
gunbai hoozuki 軍配ほおずき(ぐんばいほおずき)
tokkuri hoozuki とっくりほおずき
Nankyoo hoozuki, from Southern Kyoto

Eggs of the akanishi red shell Rapana venosa, which are planted on stoned along the shallows.
Hozuki, hoouzki is the name of the lampion flower.
Lampionflower (hoozuki, Japan)
Eier der Kinkhorn-Muschel
. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .
Watarigani 渡蟹(わたりがに) Blue swimmer crab
Portunus trituberculatus
gazami 蝤蛑 (がざみ(
gazame がざめ
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yakoochuu 夜光虫 (やこうちゅう) Noctiluca
Noctiluca scintillans
shiki しき、hiki ひき
phosphorescent micororganisms
phosphoreszierende Mikroorganismen
Not mentioned in the saijiki
prawn, kurumaebi, kuruma ebi くるまえび(車蝦/車海老)
Best from Akiho town 秋穂町 in Yamaguchi.
prawn, shibaebi, shiba ebi しばえび (芝海老/芝蝦 / 芝えび)
Metapenaeus joyneri, shiba-ebi , small shrimp
About 1,5 cm long.
Tasts good as tempura, with (moshatsuki) or without its legs. Also ground to a pulp and added to croquettes or omelettes (with some hanpen).
Also fried age-ebi shinjoo 揚げ海老しんじょう, Ebi-no Age-shinjo: fried shrimp dumplings, shrimp quenelles
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shinjo dumplings are prepared from shellfish or fish, potato starch, eggwhite, dashi and a bit of salt. Tempura dipping sauce goes well with them.

Ebi senbei えびせんべい from shiba-ebi, made in Aichi prefecture. One whole prawn is first fried and then squeezed onto a senbei.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
awabi ama fuku no ha ni fuku iso megane
Woman diver for
abalone wipes goggles
with butterbur leaf
(Tr. Koko Kato)
Akio Ohyama
Butterbur Haiku

shako to iu magamagashikute umaki mono
called squilla
it is quite ominous but
so tasty
. Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂 .
Related words
1 comment:
asobitaku-natte kurage de iru tamashii
it wants to play
but the soul stays
a jellyfish
佐怒賀正美 Sanuka Masami
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