Flounder (karei)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Spring, others see below
***** Category: Animal / Humanity
karei 鰈
also flatish, sole, flounder.
Fam. Pleuronectiformes
hirame/...birame 平目/比目魚/鮃
Bastard halibut
Paralichthys olivaceus
Here we look at food prepared with these fish.
Mushigarei 蒸鰈 (むしがれい . 蒸し鰈) steamed flounder
yanagi mushigarei 柳むしがれい(やなぎむしがれい)
yanagi mushi やなぎむし "steamed willow soles"
yanagi karei 柳かれい is a special type of sole.

Flounders, flatfish, sole, plaice (karei からい) are steamed in saltwater and then dried.
They have a differend color on the upper and lower part. Before eating it is slightly grilled.
CLICK here for Photos !
. ikizukuri 活き作り sashimi with life fish
karei ikizukuri カレイ活き造り
hoshigarei 干鰈 (ほしがれい ) dried flounder
hoshi-garei ホシカレイ, hoshi karei
When flounders are dried in the sunshine, the bones will turn all white and then almost translucent. This has been the subject of many haiku.
The dried fish is later slightly grilled and eaten, but the bones are hard. It is a favorite side dish with rice wine.
Matsukawa karei 松川かれい, 松川カレイ Matsukawa flounder
Especially suitable for sashimi.
A close relative to the hoshigarei ホシガレイ "star flounder".
Found in Iwate prefecture, near Kamaishi town. Now very seldom and praized for its special taste.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kigo for all summer
jookagarei, jooka garei, jooka karei 城下かれい
shiroshitagarei, shiroshita karei
"flounder of the castle town"
caught in the Beppu inlet below the ruins of Hiji Castle.
from Oita, Hiji (Hinode) Town 大分県日出町 日出(ひじ)
Shun is May and July.
A bit less meat than the normal flounder, but better tastintg. Best as kara-age. The liver is mixed with salted plum mash, kabosu lime juice and soy sauce and eaten as a sauce for sashimi.
a kind of makogarei マコガレイ , Marbled sole
Pleuronectes yokohamae (Gunther), Limanda yokohamae
shitabirame 舌鮃 (したびらめ) sole
Solea solea
fam. Soleoidea, Cynoglossidae
ushi no shita 牛の舌(うしのした)"ox tongue"
... shita 舌(した)"tongue"
kuro ushi no shita 黒牛の舌(くろうしのした)black tongue fish
Paraplagusia japonica
ishiwari いしわり "stone cutter"
aka shitabirame 赤舌鮃(あかしたびらめ) red
Cynoglossus joyneri
Gemeine Seezunge, Zungenflunder
kigo for mid-winter
shimotsukigarei 霜月鰈 (しもつきがれい) flounder in december
(shimotsuki, month with frost)
kangarei 寒鰈(かんがれい) flounder in the cold
kigo for all winter
hirame 鮃 (ひらめ) Bastard halibut, sole
sole in the cold, kanhirame, kanhirame 寒鮃(かんひらめ)
Paralichthys olivaceus. 平目、比目魚, ヒラメ
Worldwide use
Scholle, Seezunge, Flunder
magarei - Pleuronectes herzensteini
Things found on the way
Daruma Flounder . ダルマカレイ
external LINK

Utagawa Hiroshige II, 二代目歌川広重
drying flounders in Wakasa
Wakasa ni wa hotoke ookute mushi-garei
in Wakasa
there are many Buddha statues -
steamed flounder
Mori Sumio 森澄雄
Tr. Gabi Greve

yuugure no hakari ni omoki kan-birame
it feels so heavy
the winter flounder on a scale
in the evening
Paraverse Gabi Greve
Arima Akito 有馬朗人
山の向うは 雪が降りゐて 干鰈
yama no mukoo wa yuki ga furi-ite hoshi-garei
on the other side of the mountain
it is snowing ...
dried flounders
Hasegawa Kanajo 長谷川かな女
はよ焼けよ はららごの透く 干鰈
hayo yake yo hararago no tooru hoshi-garei
hurry up and grill them
until the roe is done too -
dried sole
Ishikawa Keiroo 石川桂郎
source : 食の歳時記
Tr. Gabi Greve
Related words
***** WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
***** Fish SAIJIKI
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is catch of the day ~
no flounder
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the fishmonger shows me
the flounder's eyes
Susan E. Buffington
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