Cod (tara) as food
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Humanity

Tara comes with some kigo, see below.
The tara has a little beard on its chin and three fins on the back. Two fins are at the tail side.
The Chinese character is composed of the characters for FISH and SNOW.
It is fished in the Northern sea of Okhotsk
A lot of Tara was dried and then eaten piece by piece.
All Spring

hidara 干鱈 ひだら dried codfish, haddock
hoshidara 乾鱈(ほしだら)

boodara, slices of dried cod 棒鱈(ぼうだら)"Tara stick"
uchidara 打鱈(うちだら)
This is a large fish and once dried, you have to place the pieces into water for two or three days to get soft. It is prepared with bamboo sprouts and wasabi or placed in a nabe hodgepodge.
imoboo芋棒(いもぼう)"potato and Tara stick"
speciality of Kyoto.
Bodara cod slices and ebi-imo, a kind of satoimo, are simmered together.
tara denbu 鱈田夫(たらでんぶ, 鱈田麩) minced flavored cod and other denbu and oboro preparations
hatsu tara 初鱈 (はつたら) first tara of the season
All Winter
tara 鱈 (たら) codfish, haddock
tara "snow fish" 雪魚(たら)
"real cod", madara 真鱈(まだら), hondara 、本鱈(ほんだら)
"tara along the beach" isodara 磯鱈(いそだら)
"tara in the open sea", okidara 沖鱈(おきだら)
taraba, place to fish for tara 鱈場(たらば)
tarabune, ship to fish for tara 鱈船(たらぶね)
tara ami, net to catch tara 鱈網(たらあみ)
tarachiri, hodgepodge with tara 鱈ちり(たらちり)
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tarajiru, soup with tara 鱈汁(たらじる)
dongarajiru 寒鱈汁(どんがら汁)
speciality of Yamagata prefecture
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Tarako Mandala 虎杖浜たらこ
tarako, roe of the cod 鱈子(たらこ)
The ones from Hokkaido are most famous.
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way

tsutsuji ikete sono kage ni hidara saku onna
azaleas all arranged:
in their shade, a woman
tearing dried cod
Tr. Barnhill
A woman
under the azaleas placed in the pot,
tearing up dried cod.
Azaleas arranged -
Behind the flowers a woman
Cutting up dried codfish.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
azaleas in a bucket -
in their shade, a woman
tearing up a dried codfish
.. on the way from Otsu to Minakuchi
Tr. Makoto Ueda
A branch of wild azalea
thrown into a bucket, behind,
a woman tearing
the meat of a dried codfish.
Tr. Yuasa
Written in 1687 貞亨2年, Nozarashi Kiko
Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
MORE - hokku about food by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Takahama Kyoshi 高浜虚子
tarajiru no umami to yuge mo ikki kui
delicious cod soup ...
I even relish
the hot steam
oomono no tara no shioyaki ima wa fuyu
a real big cod
fried with salt ...
that is what I call winter
Nihonkai oomonodara wa entakete
Sea of Japan ...
a big cod is the center
of our merrymaking
source : www7.ocn.ne.jp
Tr. Gabi Greve
Related words
***** Soups
tsutsuji ikete / sono kage ni / hidara saku onna
tsutsuji ikete sono kage ni hidara saku onna
azaleas all arranged:
in their shade, a woman
tearing dried cod
Matsuo Basho
trans. Barnhill
This has been translated into Spanish as:
Ante un florero lleno de azaleas
Una mujer
Desmenuzando bacalao seco
trans. not known
Legend from Miyagi
Shizugawa Kaido 志津川街道
本吉郡 Motoyoshi district 南三陸町 Minami-Sanriku town 五駄鱈 Gondatara
宮城県気仙沼市赤岩五駄鱈 Sendai Akaiwa Godantara
gondara 五駄鱈 / ゴンダラ Gondara (Gondatara)
Once upon a time
in the town of 折立 Oritate along the Shizugawa High way near a small river there was the estate of a rich man. He had a beautiful daughter and many young men came to see her.
But the daughter became haggard and when they asked her nanny they found out what happened.
One evening they stuck a needle in the seam of her sleeve and then the family checked next morning they found blood stains leading to the small river. The river was bloody until its estuary and there lay a huge tara 鱈 cod fish. They needed goda 五駄 five horse loads to carry it and called this amazing fish
五駄鱈(ゴンダラ) Gondara.
The daughter threw herself into the river to kill herself and the river was called
dokugawa 毒川 poisonous river.
Since then the cod never came up the small river, but could be caught early in the neighbourhood of Oritate
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