***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity

Nagasaki Prefecture (長崎県, Nagasaki-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on the island of Kyūshū. The capital is the city of Nagasaki.
Nagasaki Prefecture, a unification of former provinces of Hizen, Tsushima, and Iki, has had close ties with foreign civilization for centuries. Facing China and Korea, the region around Hirado was a traditional center for traders and pirates.
After the prohibition of Christianity in the Edo period, foreign trade was restricted to Chinese and Dutch traders in Nagasaki, Dejima, but Kirishitan (Japanese Christian) worship continued underground.
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Wakaran 和華蘭 Wa-Ka-Ran
The three districts of Japanese (wa), Chinese (ka) and European (ran) influence in the city of Nagasaki.
The Ariake Sea (有明海, Ariake-kai, Ariakekai)
shippoku ryoori 卓袱料理 Shippoku ryori
Shippoku cuisine 卓袱(しっぽく)料理

an original creation of the Chinese living in the Chinese quarter. While it was intended to entertain Japanese and Western visitors, it spread to common households and evolved into a feast that is presented in traditional Japanese restaurants even today.
The primary characteristic of Shippoku cuisine is jikabashi, the seating of the diners around a lacquered round table on which the food is served in one dish, with all diners serving themselves. This creates an atmosphere of omoyai (sharing) and contributes to a harmonious atmosphere.
In addition, even before the toast, the custom is for the host to signal the start of the meal with mainly one phrase, "Please help yourself to the Ohire broth." Shippoku cuisine, which was introduced to Nagasaki, has evolved over the years with the blended influences of Japanese and Western cuisine. Today, it is a truly local cuisine of Nagasaki that combines the best of China, Japan, and the West.
A lot of sugar is used in many dishes, since Western-style sugar found its way to Japan via Nagasaki, see below the "Sugar road".
banrai ばんらい ... entree, Vorspeise
ohire おひれ ... soup
omoyai おもやい 由起会 sharing your food in good company
sanpinmori, sanpin mori 三品盛 (さんぴんもり) ... three types of entree
More about NAGASAKI food
source : www.at-nagasaki.jp
Castella (Sponge Cake) Biskuitkuchen
Chinese Sweets
hiyoko ひよこ Biskuitkuchen in Kükenform
tsurunoko, tsuru no ko つるの子 "kleiner Kranich"
kuroboo 黒棒 "black stick" with raw brown sugar, flour and eggs.
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Biwa, loquat びわ 枇杷
. fukuremanjuu no iwaibi ふくれ饅頭の祝日
day for celebrating whith puffed manju ricecakes
During the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15. (Kigo)
. Harahoge Teishoku はらほげ定食 Harahoge Set Lunch
And Harahoge Jizo statues はらほげ地蔵 in the water
The lunch also serves the locak uni sea urchins from Iki island.
Iki gyuu 壱岐牛 beef from Iki Island
Rindfleisch von der Insel Iki
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ikkookoo cake 一口香(いっこうこう) with honey and kurosato, inside is empty
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kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 flower from sweet potatoes
kankoromochi kankoro mochi かんころもち(甘古呂餅)
karu kooku カルコーク calcoke drink. Calpis with coca cola
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nigomi にごみ Chikuzen-ni with peanuts
Peanuts in the brown skin are boiled for about 2 hours, then the liquid with the peanut oil is poored over a pot of normal Chikuzen-ni boiled vegetables.
In the village of Omura 大村市 peanuts (rakkasei) have been introduced via China already in the Edo period and were part of the high-class food, given to visitors. Later it became normal food, peanuts being used like beans in all kinds of dishes, from chawanmushi to boiled rice with raw peanuts in the skin.
Peanuts grown in Omura sometimes have three and even four nuts in one shell.
In Chiba prefecture, the biggest peanut-grower nowadays, peanuts have been introduced from North America much later.
Sasebo Burger
tonneru yokochoo とんねる横丁 Tunnel Shopping Arcade
Sasebo also has a side street with mostly food shops, placed in small lots in the former bunker area of WWII. The bunkers were cut into the strong rocks for the safety of the people.
The streetfront is only 5 meters for each shop. Most owners are now old and are good friends. They eat lunch from each other's shop and buy each other's vegetables or fish to keep good company. It has become quite a tourist spot.
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satoo no michi シュガーロード(砂糖の道) sugar road

The road between Nagasaki and Kokura (Ogura) 小倉, then on to Kyoto during the Edo period. A lot of Western cultural elements travelled this road, when even very expensive white sugar was only available at the island of Dejima.
Towns along this road were able to produce sweets with white sugar.
for example
Ogi yookan 小城羊羹(おぎようかん) in the town of Ogi in Saga prefecture. This yookan is still made by hand, water, agar, anko paste and sugar are stirred for a long time, then poored in a wooden form with laquer finishing. When its gets dry it is taken out of the form, head up now with a frosted sugar coating, that gives a crunchy sound when biting into it.
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There they also produce other kinds of yookan
hoshigaki yookan 干し柿ようかん with dried persimmons
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kuro ichijiku yookan くろいちじく ようかん with black figs
schwarze Feigen
banana yookan バナナようかん with bananas
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kasudoosu カスドース Kasudôsu
- quote
A sweet brought to Japan about 400 years ago by priests from Portugal and Spain. Each piece is about the size of a matchbox and has been dipped first in egg yolk and then in molasses, after which it is lavishly covered with sugar. It is still often used as a delicacy for the Chinshin style tea ceremony which originated in Hirado.
- source : www.city.hirado.nagasaki.jp

This sween has been made in Hirado since 1502 in the same shop, Tsutaya 蔦屋. It is a kind of castella coated with sugar.
source : www.hirado-tsutaya.jp
nanpuu ya satoo koboruru kasudoosu
this southern wind -
white sugar is falling off
the Kasudosu cake
. Hasegawa Kai 長谷川櫂 .
Umi no Hosomichi
Shimabara kanzarashi 島原の寒ざらし
shiratamo mochi rice, cooled in fresh water, best in December.
sauce of honey.
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Shimabara guzooni 具雑煮 vegetable soup with round thin mochi cakes
said to be invented by Amakusa Shiro during the war against the Christians in the Shimabara rebellion (Shimabara no ran 島原の乱).
The soup gave a lot of stamina to the fighting farmers. It is said to be the origin of all later zoni soups, now eaten especially at the new year.
Amakusa Shirō
Shimabara ganedaki がね炊き puffer fish dish
When eating fugu pufferfish was forbidden because it was too dangerous, the locals called it gane and enjoyed their food anyway, since fugu is a very common fish in their waters.
ganba がんば local name for fugu puffer fish.
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shiisu keeki シースケーキ sheath cake
a kind of sponge cake with canned peaches and pinapples. Started after the war when the first fruit cans came to the area.
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torukoraisu トルコライス turkish rice
eaten with many varieties, even as teppan toruko, fried on a hot plate
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yudeboshi daikon ゆで干し大根
cooked, dried radish stripes
from Saikai Town 西海市
Extra big local radish (大栄大蔵大根 one weights about 5 kg) is washed, cleaned roughly, cut into stripes of about 10 cm length and then cooked for about 7 minutes. Then it is loaded on wheel barrows and carried over the street to the drying places, which are on a bamboo veranda over the cliffs. The hot radish stripes are spread on plastic sheets to dry in the salty wind, which blows in this area during the winter months. They call it the daikon kaze 大根風 radish wind.
It can be used after steeping in water or like this in salads. It is also tasty in a sauce for spagetthi.
a kind of kiriboshi daikon, dried radish stripes.
WKD : kiriboshi daikon 切干 dried radish

yusenpei ゆせんぺい senbei from hot sprint water
from the hot spring at Mount Unzen 雲仙
Unsen Yusenpei are rice crackers made of eggs, sugar and wheat flour. The water from the hot spring at Obama is used for the dough. It is more than 120 years old.
Local products from the area are often called
"jigemon" じげもん (地元者) (tochi no mono, chi no mono).
- MORE about food from Hirado 平戸
Hirado Champon
Hirado Beef
Products from the sea - Ago flying fish, Flounder Dishes
Hana (flower) Castella and Kasudôsu
Locally-brewed Sake
Kawachi Kamaboko
Chiyoka - folded pancake
Omorimono - edible decorations
- source : www.city.hirado.nagasaki.jp
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
- quote
Tracing the path of history in northern Nagasaki
by Mandy Bartok
. . . Back out on the town’s main street, Hirado’s European-inspired sweets tempt us from shop windows. We pick up some sugar-coated castella, a version of the famed pound cake unique to Hirado, to take for the road, but our stomachs are primed for the famed local meat.
- source : www.japantimes.co.jp/life/2013
Shichikoozan -
and then a bowl
of Chanpon soup
Gabi Greve, New Year 2011
. Shichikoozan mairi 七高山詣 Shichikozan pilgrimage.
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Regional Dishes
Iki Island
Legend has it that many years ago the pretty little island of Iki was not connected to the seafloor. Instead, it floated around at the whim of the currents, presumably bobbing back and forth between Japan, China and the Korean Peninsula.
Fortunately, such awkwardness was averted because the gods, in their infinite wisdom, ultimately decided to anchor the island — which is oval-shaped and 15 km across — by means of eight giant pegs to a spot some 70 km off the coast of Fukuoka, where it can now be reached with comforting predictability by ferry and Jetfoil from Fukuoka’s Hakata Port.
Iki’s inhabitants — almost 28,000 in total — seem to love telling stories like the one about the “eight pegs.” In fact, they appear to have a story or superstition for pretty much everything about their island home.
The story about the “eight pegs” is told as an explanation about the origins of two of the island’s most popular tourist destinations, one of which is Sakyobana, a spectacular geological formation just a 10-minute drive south of the small port of Ashibe, where half of the ferries from Hakata stop (the others stop at Gonoura, on the west). Sakyobana is a 20-meter-high jagged pinnacle that rises up out of the water 80 meters or so off the coast. According to the story, this white-hued rock (colored thanks to a resident flock of evidently well-fed cormorants), is none other than one of the eight pegs.
Peg or rock, though, there’s no denying it is quite a spectacle, and — almost as importantly — it can be viewed from a delightful and gently undulating stretch of grass that is perched up on the facing cliff. So pristine are the lawns you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d stumbled onto the verdant greens of Scotland’s St. Andrews golf course, but instead of bunkers and golf carts what you’ll find are some nicely designed picnic shelters and an unmistakably Japanese, red-colored torii gate marking the presence of a small Shinto shrine.
Nagasaki Kaido 長崎街道 Nagasaki Highway
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