Oita (Ooita)

Ōita Prefecture (大分県, Ōita-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyushu Island. The prefectural capital is the city of Ōita.
After the Meiji Restoration, Bungo and southern Buzen Provinces were combined to form Ōita Prefecture: These provinces were divided among many local daimyo and thus a large castle town never formed in Ōita.
Hot Springs at Beppu.
Usuki Cliff Buddhas
Yufuin Hot Spring
Oita Prefecture is known for its production of kabosu (a kind of citrus fruit), shiitake mushrooms, yuzu citron as well as its horsemeat.
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Local Dishes from Oita 大分の郷土料理
fugu ふぐ globefish
Fugu-sashi: sashimi Thinly-sliced Fugu
Shirako-no shio-yaki . Broiled with the salt of soft roe of Fugu
Hirezake . Dried fins, grilled and immersed in hot sake
Fugu-chiri . Stewed in a pot with Tofu and vegetables
Gameni がめに, がめ煮
Hita town
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hirame 平目 (ひらめ) flounders
from Kamae 蒲江のヒラメ
Hirome seaweed (hirome (ひろめ) 広布 / ヒロメ)
Ura sweets 浦スイーツ
Seki Aji 関あじ and Seki Saba. Branded Horse Mackerel and Mackeral
"Seki Aji" and "Seki Saba" mostly live in "Hayasui-no-Seto" where the sea has a fast tidal current. It is well known as a good quality fish due to its freshness and richness in taste. It is caught by pole and line fishing, so the fish is kept fresh. It has plenty of fat and is sweet-smelling. The shapes of the fish are very beautiful. Sashimi is the best way to eat the fish and it also goes well with "Kabochu", which is "Shochu" (clear liquor) with kabosu citrus.
(Saganoseki Town)
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kachiebi, kachi-ebi かちエビ dried shrimp
from Usa town 宇佐市長洲地区
The dried shrimp are hit with wooden pole to split the shell from the meat, making a sound like KACHI KACHI, hence the name.
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shiitake 椎茸 しいたけ shiitake mushrooms
The prefecture is the largest producer of dried shiitake in Japan.
Shiroshita Karei 城下(しろした)カレイ Flounder
The season of the green ume plum and perspiration on your forehead is the time for the famous "Shiroshita Karei" flounder in Hiji Town.
The season of the green ume plum and perspiration on your forehead is the time for the famous "Shiroshita Karei" flounder in Hiji Town.
It has been ranked top among fishes since the Tempo period (1830-1844). Yokoku Castle in Hiji was the residence of feudatory Kinoshita which yielded 25,000 koku of rice in the Edo era. In the sea by the castle there are a few places where pure spring water springs from the ground. The flat fish live in that area and because it was valued highly by the lord, is come to be known as "Shiroshita Karei" ("Flounder at the foot of the castle").
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There is a famous Haiku by TAKAHAMA Kyoshi
kaichu ni mashimizu wakite sakana sodatsu
It means
"In the sea there is pure spring water and fish grow."
Shiroshita Karei's fish meat is thick and firm. Though it tastes light, it feels rich and tasty on the tongue. Slice the Shiroshita Karei thinner than Sashimi and it is called "Usuzukuri". Meat is eaten with the liver and relish dipped in "Ponzu", which is a mixture of juice pressed from kabosu citrus and soy sauce. The period from early summer to August is the best season for Shiroshita Karei. The light taste is very refreshing in the hot weather and Shiroshita Karei is an outstanding gourmet dish.
safuran サフラン Safran
In the village of Takeda 大分・竹田市, safran is grown in the house and used to flavor many dishes. It is even drunk as tea. The flowers are boiled and the liquid added to the bath water.
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Chadai-zushi (Usuki City)
Matsuoka-zushi (Oita City)
Maru-zushi (Yonozu Village)
Yukinko-zushi is a modern local dish created by "Ai-no Sato" Honjo Village Life Improvement Group, and refers to sushi topped with Japanese mushroom.
Taimen たいめん
Himeshima Village, or noodle with sea bream,
is served as a celebratory food during wedding ceremonies as the sound of "Taimen" means "to meet", and refers to the meeting of the families of the bride and groom. The noodle is garnished to represent "long relationship".
tara osa, taraosa たらおさ / 鱈 gills of the cod fish
They are sold dry with the stomach hanging on. They are steeped in water over night and then boiled with soy sauce, sake and sugar. Their sweet taste reminds the people of Oita of sharkfin.
This dish is usually served during the O-Bon holidays in August. It does not look very appetizing though ...
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Tomato Agar-Agar
entered by Women's Section of Usuki Tomato Group won the first prize in the "Creating Dishes with Local Food Contest".
Ureshino うれしの
is also regarded as one of the celebration dishes. This originated from a story about how the Feudal Lord of Kitsuki 杵築 was pleased with "Tai -chazuke", or tea on rice with fresh sea bream, and said "Ureshii-no", or "I'm quite happy with this".
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source : www.pref.oita.jp
Yufuin Hot Spring 湯布院 Food Specialities and more
baumukuuhen 湯布院 バウムクーヘン baumkuchen
jibiiru 湯布院地ビール local beer from Yufuin
karashi shiitake からし椎茸 shiitake pickled with hot mustard
kuresson suupu クレソンスープ soup with watercress
purin dora ぷりんどら waffle with pudding
yuzugoma 柚子胡椒 soy sacue with sesame and yuzu flavor
yuzuneri 柚子ねり jam with yuzu flavor
Things found on the way
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
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