Gameni mixed vegetables and chicken
***** Location: Fukuoka, Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity

Gameni がめ煮
Chikuzen ni 筑前煮
Gameni is an essential Hakata dish served at New Year, festivals and celebrations.
It is also commonly called Chikuzenni. "Chikuzenni is elegant.
In Hakata, on the other hand, Gameni is simpler, with the flavor of ordinary home-style cooking. The ingredients are thrown in all at once, then simmered a long time.
Hakata Zouni, Hakata Zooni, Hakata Zoni
"The soup stock is made from ago (flying fish). Buri (yellowtail) and carrots are then added. We always include katsuona."
Katsuona is a traditional green with large-sized leaves grown in Fukuoka, a local vegetable which can't be found in other prefectures.
Other local dishes include Okiuto, Abuttekamo and so on. Until only a decade or so ago, Okiuto was always eaten at breakfast. It is made from a seaweed called egonori.
Abuttekamo is lightly salted and dried suzumedai (pearl-spot chromis).
source: www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp
Chicken meat, shiitake mushrooms, goboo root, konnyaku, carrots, kuro-imo black potatoes and other vegetables are cooked together.
In Hakata they also add game ガメ (suppon スッポン、鼈) to make game-ni, gameni.
iridori いりどり (煎り鳥 /炒り鳥 / いり鶏) is another way to prepare chicken, duck or goose meat.
braised chicken and vegetables
katsuona かつお菜/勝男菜 / カツオ菜
written with the Chinese characters for Wwinning man"
it is an auspicious ingredient for the 雑煮 New Year soup.
It belongs to the family of aburana アブラナ科 Brassicaceae.
It tasts a bit like the katsuo Bonito fish, hence the name. If it is placed in a soup, there is no need to add additional bonito shavings (katsuobushi).
Related words
***** WASHOKU : Regional Dishes
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