Ehime 愛媛県, Matsuyama 松山

Ehime Prefecture (愛媛県, Ehime-ken) is a prefecture in northwestern Shikoku, Japan. The capital is Matsuyama.
Until the Meiji Restoration, Ehime prefecture was known as Iyo province. Since before the Heian period, the area was dominated by fishermen and sailors who played an important role in defending Japan against pirates and Mongol invasions.
After the Battle of Sekigahara, the Tokugawa shogun gave the area to his allies, including Kato Yoshiaki who built Matsuyama Castle, forming the basis for the modern city of Matsuyama.
The name Ehime comes from the Kojiki and means "beautiful maiden."
The rural areas of the prefecture mostly engage in agricultural and fishing industries, and are particularly known for citrus fruit such as mikan (tangerine) and iyokan and cultured pearls.
Doogo Onsen 道後温泉 hot springs of Dogo
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Temple Komyoji, Koomyoo-Ji 南岳山 光明寺
Rebuild by Ando Tadao 安藤忠雄 in 2000
in Saijo Town 西条
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under construction
Hakata no shio 伯方の塩 salt from Hakata island

It contains no artificial additives or colourings and the natural salt is crystallized by the sun's heat and wind, and dissolved with ground water on Hakata island to remove impurities. Hakata no Shio is naturally dried to preserve the precious nutrients of seawater. Use in dishes such as soup, steamed dishes, fried dishes, pickle making etc to achieve a deeper level of delicate flavours. It is also excellent for beauty regimes such as sea salt baths and salt scrubs.
source : www.japancentre.com
Hakata no shio raamen 伯方の塩ラーメン salt ramen from Hakata
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Hakata no shio sofuto kuriimu 伯方の塩ソフトクリーム
soft icecream with salt from Hakata, also normal icecream
Big chunks of salt are sprinkled on the ice. A waffle in the form of a heart is added for easier eating.
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Hakata no Shio, Daifuku 伯方の塩 純生大福
Manju with sweet tsubu an red bean paste paste. The outside is made with salt. Sold in Matsuyama.
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World Tasty Museum
Imabari Town, Nihon Shokken
Introducing the Food Culture of the Whole World !
Matsuyama Botchan Dango
Matsuyama Doogo Mochi
Matsuyama Town
Matsuyama age 松山あげ abura age toofu from Matsuyama
speciality of Iyo 伊豫名産
An unusual relative of tofu pouches is Matsuyama age, which comes in light crisp sheets that are mild in flavor, golden brown in color, and about 6 by 8 by l/4 inch in size. Rich in protein (24%) and oil (64%), and very low in moisture (4.5%), it stores very well. It was first developed on Japan's island of Shikoku at the start of the Meiji period (1868-??). A famous maker is Hodoya Shoten, Doita-cho 499-1 in Matsuyama city. A similar product is made in Okinawa.
source : www.soyinfocenter.com
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Matsuyama agedon 松山あげ丼 tofu pouches on rice
Other dishes from Ehime 愛媛の郷土料理
agemaki あげまき deep fried kamaboko fish paste
kamaboko no agemono

amago no kanro ni あまごの甘露煮 amago salmon sweetly simmered
amago あまご/ 甘子
flavored with honey, mirin and soy sauce, simmer for 3 hours. Bones are soft to be eaten.
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ayu no ametaki 鮎の飴炊き sweetly grilled ayu fish
with soy sauce and sugar
These fish are a speciality of the Hijikawa ひじかわ / 肱川and the town of Ozu 大洲.
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botecha ぼて茶
chikutan aisu 竹炭アイス ice cream with bamboo coals
speciality of the Hijikawa ひじかわ / 肱川and the town of Ozu 大洲
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fugu 河豚 globe fish, puffer fish
Ainan Town 愛南, new fugu without poison
November 27, 2009
fukumen, fuku men 福麺 "auspicious noodles"
"good fortune noodles"
A specialty of Uwajima.
The noodles are "shirataki", made from Konnyaku.
Four auspicious colors of orange, pink, green and white ingredients are finely chopped (soboro):
mandarin peel, leek and green sea weed. salty fish meat (tenpu)
It is eaten in the auspicious occasions such as wedding ceremonies.
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gessoomochi, gessoo mochi 「月窓餅」(げっそうもち)
very soft warabi fern mochi filled with anko bean paste and covered with kinako powder.
From the town Ozu (Oozu 大洲) along the river Hijikawa.
Made by the family Murata for many generations. 村田文福老舗
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igisu doofu いぎす豆腐 bean curd from marine plants
igisu seaweed from 越智郡
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iwashi no tsumirejiru いわしのつみれ汁 soup with sardine balls
famous in many parts along the Inland sea.
With vegetables that grow in the family garden.
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izumiya いずみや cuisine from Izumiya
developed from merchants from Osaka coming to the copper mines of 別子銅山
Mostly fish and and okara instead of rice, since the people were too poor to afford white rice.
In Southern Iyo it is also called maruzushi 丸ずし or hookanmuri ほうかんむり.
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jakoten じゃこ天
kajika ryoori かじか料理
kanimeshi かにめし rice with crabs
kuri 栗 chestnuts
one of the specialities of Ehime
kurigohan 栗ごはん rice cooked with chestnuts
kuritaruto 栗タルト sweet roll with chestnuts
pon juusu ポンジュース mikan juice
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sekkajiru 石花汁(せっかじる)"Stone flower soup"
From the stone cutting area of Ooshima 大島の石切場.
Heated stone pieces were thrown in a soup pot to heat the dish. When it comes to a boil, bukubuku, it looks almost as if flowers are blooming.
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shooyu mochi しょうゆ餅 mochi with soy sauce
for March 3 Doll festival, since the first Daimyo of Matsuyama,
Matsudaira Sadakatsu 松平定勝 (1560 - 1624).
Many families celebrate the Doll festival in April, adjusting from the lunar calendar.
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tai 鯖 sea bream
a speciality of Matsuyama, where it comes in all sizes. The small tai can be prepared at home, complete with the head (kashita tsuki) as an auspicious dish for festivals.
taimeshi 鯖めし/ たいめし tai fish on rice
..... Uwajima 宇和島鯛めし sea bream from Uwajima
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tai, amadai no kabutonabe かぶと鍋 "helmet hodgepot"
the fish is cooked with head and bones. All kinds of vegetables are added, also wakame, chicken and others.
Speciality from Awa Island is "Uzushio Kabuto Nabe", where sudachi lime juice is added.
taimen 鯛麺 / 鯛めん, tai somen 鯛素麺 sea bream on noodles
this is a pun on auspicious words, for a first meeting (go-taimen 対面), so the fish is served when meeting important people or for a wedding arangement (miai) meeting.
A whole grilled sea bream is placed on colorful noodles (goshiki soomen).
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goshiki soomen 五色素麺 Somen noodles in five colors
a speciality of Matsuyama since the Edo period.
five-color noodles, five-colored thin noodles
Yellow from eggs, green from tea, brown from buckwheat flour, red from ume plums and shiso perilla and white from wheat flour.
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Matsuyama sushi 松山すし . 松山鮓(まつやまずし)
Sushi a la Matsuyama 松山寿司
The rice is cooked with sugar and pieces of simmered small sea bream. The rice is then cooled while the daughter fans the rice and mother adds the vinegar.
The rice is then decorated with colorful food items, including more sea bream pieces.
This special "taste of mother" (o-fukuro no aji) is handed down in all families.
When Natsume Soseki came to visit Masaoka Shiki in Matsuyma in 1892, Shiki's mother Yae prepared the dish for them. Kyoshi, who happened to be there too, wrote about this meeting, describing Soseki sitting in his western suit on the cushion, trying to eat carefully so as not to soil his suit and the floor and finishing every little grain of rice.

The local station lunch wrapper shows the three sitting there and mother Yae. You can see Kyoshi as a young man on the left, next to Mother Yae. Shiki wears a Japanese kimono.
Masaoka Shiki wrote three haiku about this sushi and the visit.
われに法あり 君をもてなすもぶり鮓
ware ni hoo ari kimi o motenasu moburi sushi
here is the law
when entertaining you -
our mixed sushi
furusato ya oya sukoyaka ni sushi no aji
my dear hometown -
my mother is well and
the taste of sushi
われ愛す わが豫州 松山の鮓
ware aisu waga Yoshuu Matsuyama no sushi
I love my hometown
in the province of Iyo -
Matsuyama sushi
(Yoshuu is an old name for Iyo no kuni.)

Memorial stone with these three haiku in front of Matsuyama station. The sea bream are also added to the memorial.
Later during the New Year of 1895, Shiki wrote
Sooseki ga kite Kyoshi ga kite ooomisoka
Soseki came
and Kyoshi came -
New Year's eve
. Matsuyama and Masaoka Shiki 松山と正岡子規 .

tonkatsu pafee トンカツパフェ ice with pork cutlet
pork parfait

freshly fried pork cutlet around a bowl of vanilla icecream, apple slices and whipped cream !
Cutlet is taken by hand, smeared with ice cream and sandwiched with an apple slice.
Served in Matsuyama town.
. . . . . SWEETS
guroobu ichigo グローブ苺 strawberries in the form of a baseball glove
mikan sofuto みかんソフト soft ice cream with mikan
shigure しぐれ/ 志ぐれ(お菓子)square sweets "winter rain"
from dango flower, soybeans flower, sugar and some salt, put in a square box and steamed
From 伊予国の大洲
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shigure with sweet chestnuts 栗しぐれ kuri shigure
at Otsu Machi no Eki 大洲まちの駅「あさもや」
Yamadaya manjuu 山田屋 まんじゅう
Manju dumplings from Yamadaya
with red beans from Tokachi (Hokkaido). Made for 140 years.
One of the Shikoku pilgrims showed the owner of a store that sheltered him for one night how to make these manju and they soon became a hit with the sweet eaters.
The first owner thought it was a deity, the Yakushi Nyorai from Yamada Yakushiji Temple 山田薬師如来 of Uwachoo 宇和町 and so took the name.
The maker is now in the fifth generation with these traditional slightly pink manju.
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This is one of the three famous Yakushi temples in Japan.
It is one of the New Mandala Pilgrimages of Shikoku, Nr. 53, Zenpuku-Ji 善福寺

Yakushi Temple Hall
The other yakushi temples
島根県 の一畑薬師(いちはたやくし Ichihata Yakushi)
福岡県久留米市にある柳坂山 永勝寺(りゅうばんざん えいしょうじ Eishoo-ji).
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来、Buddha of Medicine and Healing
- Introduction -
. Folktales about Yakushi Nyorai薬師如来 .
Related words
Matsuyama, die Haiku-Stadt
***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
***** . Folk Toys from Ehime .
- #ehime #matsuyama -
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