Fast Food (faasuto fuudo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity
The condition for fast food is
fast, cheap, easy to get ... and yet it must be delicious.
There are some new namings for this in Japan
shominha gurume 庶民派グルメ gourmet food for the people
bii kyuu gurume B級グルメ B-class gourmet food
arenji gurume アレンジグルメ "food arranged for gourmets"
And fast food is often eaten while standing, tachigui たちぐい (立ち食い), some noodle soup shops have only space to stand in order to be able to handle a large number of clients in a short time, such as the lunch break in the city, where thousands come out of their office to grab some food.
This is a topic in itself, for example trucks with a load full of obento selling just for the lunch-hour time.
Some famous stores have visitors stand in line waiting for their turn, gyooretsu no dekiru mise/meibutsu 行列のできる店.
There is even a noodle soup series from Nisshin about famous soup stores:
日清 行列のできる店のラーメン
B-class gurmet, reminds me of "The Recessionista" movement in USA.
dining out

日本 マクドナルド McDonald's Japan
Maku donarudo
Since december 2010, McDonalds also offers meals on wheels, haitatsu マクドナルドの配達.

tsukimi baagaa 月見バーガー tsukimi burger
Hamburger for moon viewing.
new in 2010 !
. Lunar Burger .
kinkan nisshoku 金環日食 golden ring solar eclipse
May 21, 2012
. Daruma baagaa だるまバーガー Daruma Hamburger .
Shrimp Cotelette, Ebi Katsu
hanbaagaa ハンバーガー American Hamburgers
have taken to many Japanese versions.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
chainiizu baagaa チャイニーズバーガー Chinese burger
sometimes with shark fin
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
iwashi baagaa, iwashi hanbaagu いわしハンバーグ
burger with sardine meat
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Kinpira Burger with kinpira vegetables.
MOS Burger, Mosburger (モスバーガー, Mosu bāgā), from the initial letters of "Mountain Ocean Sun"
MOS Rice Burger uses a bun made of rice mixed with barley and millet.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
MOS no nama yasai な生野菜 with fresh vegetables
Rice Burger ライスバーガー with pressed rice instead of a bun (some say the Hamburger version of onigiri rice balls...)
MOS burger with 100 % Japanese meat 国産肉100%
MOS burger offers local ingredients at certain restrictions
chiiki gentei 地域限定 only in this region
kikan gentei 期間限定 only at a certain time of year
kisetsu gentei 季節限定 only in a certains eason
"Tobikiri Hamburger Sandwich"
source : www.japanfs.org
Sasebo Burger. 佐世保バーガー Sasebo baagaa
Teriyaki Burger with chicken
Chinese buns 中華まん chuuka man
nikuman 肉まん meat buns
anman あんまん sweet buns
have taken to many Japanese versions.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
buta man 豚まん with pork meat filling
gyooza man 餃子まん with gyoza filling
karee man カレーまん with curry filling
pizza man ピザまん
Hanbaiki 販売機 vending maschines for food
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Related words
***** Restaurants and Tea stalls
(ryooriten, ryokan, chaya, izakaya and more )
***** Gotochi Gurume ご当地グルメ Local Specialities
. B-kyuu gurume B級グルメ Second Class Gourmet
***** WASHOKU : General Information
Ready-to-eat dishes dominate dining table
Although there is plenty of information available on maintaining a healthy diet, many people are tied up with work, school and leisure, forcing them to compromise on cooking at home.
Research by a private firm sheds light on what ordinary Japanese families are eating daily.
Nobuko Iwamura, 55, director of advertising agency Asatsu-DK Inc. in Tokyo, has more than 8,000 pictures of meals at her office. These pictures detail dishes on the dining tables of Japanese families.
They were collected from about 230 housewives in their 30s and 40s living in the Tokyo metropolitan area. Iwamura asked them to record every meal for a week.
Some pictures show foods that are not consistent with maintaining a balanced diet; the tables are filled with frozen foods and deli items from supermarkets. Some respondents give such explanations as "I had to give my son a ride to a lesson" and "I went shopping with friends and came home late."
The research shows that the traditional Japanese meal style, steamed rice with a few side dishes, is no longer common.
"Ever since we started this research 11 years ago, the number of dishes has been decreasing and the menu itself is getting worse. Frozen food and deli items are becoming regular and housewives cook at home only when they have spare time," Iwamura said. "Their own desires come first. I do not think only women are responsible for preparing meals, but it is important to reconsider the dining table as a place for communication among family members."
Ready-to-eat food is called "naka shoku" (middle meals). Naka shoku, a relatively new word, means food that is between "gai shoku" (dining out) and "nai shoku" (food cooked and eaten at home). Among naka shoku are deli items but also delivery food, such as pizza and sushi.
According to a family income and expenditure survey by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, a Japanese household with more than two people spends about ¥8,100 a month to buy precooked food, 12 times more than 40 years ago, while the total food expenditure rose only by about three times.
Along with buying ready-made food or ordering them, regular delivery services of food ingredients and deli items are also becoming popular.
Mako Yamauchi, 40, a housewife living on the outskirts of Fukuoka City, receives a parcel full of food ingredients every morning from delivery service company, Shunkobo.
Yamauchi, raising three children aged 3 to 14, orders food ingredients for the day's dinner and a set of side dishes to put into her husband's lunchbox. "It is very convenient because the parcel is already delivered to the door when I wake up," said Yamauchi.
One day in July, the dinner set menu consisted of three dishes: sliced pork "kakuni" (simmered pork), miso soup with onion, vinegared cabbage and seaweed. In the evening she chopped and seasoned the vegetables, consulting the recipes that are also packed in the parcel.
She made the vinegared dish a bit sweeter than the recipe suggested so that her children would eat it more readily. The dinner was ready within an hour.
Because her husband, Akira, 42, has to work late on weekdays, only Yamauchi and her children are at the dinner table. As a part-timer who works a few days a week, she sometimes has to go to work even at night, so she finishes preparing dinner before she goes to work on busy days.
On Thursdays, Yamauchi orders from among 13 different menus listed on the weekly catalog for the week ahead. The average cooking time and process are shown in the catalog to help customers imagine what has to be done at home.
Dinner ingredients for four adults cost around ¥7,000 for five days. "To think about the dinner menu every day had been a big issue and trouble for me. Now, I am so relieved," Yamauchi said. The delivery service has become indispensable to her.
Shunkobo, based in the town of Shingu, Fukuoka Prefecture, began its business delivering freshly baked bread before breakfast. The company, which has about 10,000 households of customers now in Fukuoka and Saga prefectures, started dealing with food ingredients for dinner four years ago.
According to Koichi Kido, managing director of Shunkobo, sales of food ingredients has increased rapidly among families in their 30s and 40s and has grown to 30 percent of the total sales.
Customers order meals for different reasons.
Mitsuo Mikami, 55, manager of a boxed lunch delivery company geared toward the elderly in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, has made it a rule to hand meals to the customers face to face as a way of checking on them. For sons or daughters living apart from their elderly parents, Mikami's visit is more than just a delivery.
"When we collect the empty boxes, we can check their appetites and conditions, too," Mikami said. A boxed lunch costs about ¥700 at most.
Some families turn to his company because they have to take care of elderly family members in serious condition. "They are too exhausted to cook every meal every day," Mikami said.
McDonalds Black Burger King
Those who patronize their local Burger King next week might have black teeth by the time they leave.
The Kuro (black) Pearl, priced at ¥480, will have a 115-gram patty, black cheese and sauce sandwiched by black buns. The Kuro Diamond, priced at ¥690, is similar but comes with a dash of color in the form of lettuce, tomatoes and onions.
Originally launched on a seasonal basis in fall 2012, black burgers are part of the company’s effort to introduce unconventional burgers. It was its best-selling new product in 2012, Tokyo-based Burger King Japan said.
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