Sweets which are not KIGO
or not typical wagashi
Three most famous sweets of Japan
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The 100 most special sweets in Japan
wagashi momoshiro hyakuchin
and an annual exhibition on the subject
wagashi hyakuchin 和菓子百珍
Exhibition about the 100 most special sweets in Japan
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and many more books are available.
Amanatto (amanattoo) 甘納豆 sugar-glazed beans and Hamanattoo 浜納豆
anpan あんパン bread with an (sweet bean paste)
anpanman アンパンマン Mister Anpan
komepanman コメパンマン with rice flour
ayukashi 鮎菓子 "sweetfish cakes" from Gifu
bakudan kyandii バクダンキャンディー "bakudan candy"
frozen sherbet in a plastic tubes "like bombs": "bomb candy"
It comes in eight flavors: soda, grapes, lemon, strawberries, milk, coffee and melon.
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bisuketto ビスケット bisquit
Christmas cake クリスマス ケーキーkurisumasu keeki and Christmas in general
Weihnachtskuchen, Kuchen und Gebäck für Weihnachten
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the japaneses version with strawberries !
Weihnachtsstollen, Stollen
Chokoreeto チョコレート chocolate with many tasts
Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) bean-jam pancake
hachimitsu はちみつ 蜂蜜 Honey
Honig, Bienenhonig
hakkoo suiitsu 発酵スイーツ ”fermented sweets"
sakekasu suiitsu 酒粕スイーツ
from sakekasu, like pudding, cake or crackers
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..... kooji jamu 麹ジャム jam with Koji malted rice
Himiko manjuu 卑弥呼まんじゅう
Himiko senbei 卑弥呼せんべい
Yagura manjuu やぐらまんじゅう
Yamataikoku manjuu 邪馬台国饅頭
Saga, Kyushu. Yoshinogari 吉野ヶ里
Hirome seaweed (hirome (ひろめ) 広布 / ヒロメ) Oita prefecture
Ura sweets 浦スイーツ, hirome dougnuts, hirome daifuku
. Ishida Mitsunari Ame 石田三成飴
candy in memory of Ishida Mitsunari, a famous samurai
. jamu ジャム jam
maamareedo マーマレード marmalade, Marmelade
Kameyama sweets
Kameyama is the station Nr.47 at the Tokaido, where the road to Ise starts down south. It is the only station which has gained status as cultural property, because they keep the old look of the town with about 1.5 km of old houses.
The sweet store has been providing his sweet for the Shogun in Kyoto, and has used a special box to put them in, whith many layers and slits for ventilation at the sides. The box is black laquer with golden decoration and the crest of the Tokugawa family.
The sweet is round and simple and made with wasanbon on the outside. It has a history of more than 350 years, it is named
関の戸, 餅菓子. This is the only sweet the store makes and takes pride in keeping the taste. Now there is the 14th generation of owners.
ninaibako 荷担箱 box to carry sweets to the Shogun

kanji bisuketto 漢字ビスケット Kanji cookies, Kanji bisquits
You can use them to learn the Japanese language !
With a taste of sesame and salt.
From Burbon ブルボン
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. Kanji looking like Daruma .
KANTO : Sweets from the KANTO region
Kintaroo ame 金太郎飴 candy named Kintaro
koinobori choofu 鯉のぼり調布

Eaten on May 5 for the Boy's festival.
There are also other kinds of KOI sweets available.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of all kinds of KOI sweets !
koohii serii 珈琲セリー / コーヒーゼリー coffee Jelly
coffee jello
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Götterspeise mit Kafeegeschmack
kuchitori 口取り お菓子 sweets in the form of fish and prawns
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kukkii クッキー cookie, cookies
mashumaro マシュマロ marshmallow
Sweet from the marshmallow plant (Althaea officinalis), originally a medicine for sore throats.
Stems of marsh mallow were peeled to reveal the soft and spongy pith with a texture similar to manufactured marshmallow. This pith was then boiled in sugar syrup and dried to produced a soft, chewy confection.
In Shikoku flavored with local yuzu citron juice or strawberry flavor.
In Japan, it was introduced via France and the French name Guimauve is used, gimoobu ギモーブ (gimobu).
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weiche Süßigkeit aus Zucker, Eiweiß, Gelatine.
midorimushi kukkii みどりむしクッキ cookies from Euglena
Midorimushi みどりむし Euglena and food preparations
yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena
Minamoto Kitchoan 源 吉兆庵 Seasonal Sweets and Daruma sweets, Kamakura
. Mochi 餅 ricecakes of all kinds
momiji tenpura もみじ天ぷら/ 紅葉の天ぷら) Maple leaves sweet tempura
from the town of Mino 箕面 near Osaka.
monshushu モンシュシュ Mon ChouChou
a kind of roll cake with various fillings
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Monaka 最中 waffles, wafers
だるまもなか Waffles with Daruma
lit. it means
"the shape of the moon floating on a pond on the harvest festival"
a sweet wafer made of anko azuki bean filling sandwiched between two thin crisp wafers made from mochi. The wafers may be shaped like cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums and many other shapes.
Monaka can also be filled with various flavors of ice cream.
aisu monaka アイス最中(あいすもなか) wafer with ice
kigo for all summer
"Shushiki monaka 秋色もなか"
for haiku poet Shushiki (1668-1725).
Kurofune monaka 黒船最中 Black Ship wafers
. Kibuna, ki-buna 黄鮒 / 黄ぶな yellow carp wafers .
Monaka for a couple picking tea leaves
Kame no Monaka 亀の最中 Like a turtle/tortoise
Ogina Monaka 翁最中 Noh-Mask of Ogina (Old Man) as wafer
Zenigata Heiji Monaka 銭形平次最中 In Memory of the Detective of the Edo period.
! MORE monaka photos !
Ningyooyaki, ningyoyaki 人形焼 figure waffles
onimanjuu, oni manjuu 鬼饅頭 おにまんじゅう
"devil's cakes
pontaname, pontan ame ボンタンアメ Pectin Soft Candy
with citrus fruit juice
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purin dora ぷりんどら dorayaki waffle with pudding
Yufuin, Oita, Kyushu
Seta shijimi 瀬田蜆 Wafer like a shijimi shell filled with sweet bean paste
Shagiri manjuu しゃぎり 饅頭 Murakami village, Niigata
shashin keeki 写真ケーキ edible photo cake
Salty sweets 塩味スイーツ shioaji suiitsu
sweets with a flavor of salt, salty sweets
shioaji suiitsu, shio-aji suiitsu 塩味スイーツ
„Süßigkeiten mit Salz“ , salzige Süßigkeiten
Siefert, Bernd Siefert ベアンド ・ ジーフェルトPatisserie, Von Michelstadt nach Japan
Tosa Nikki 土佐日記 Tosa Diary by Kin no Tsurayuki
... and some manju sweets
Uiroo 外郎 ( ういろう) jelly sweet Aichi and Odawara

uguisu booru 鶯ボール
"nightingale balls"
since Meiji 40 prepared by Uegaki Sweets Company
uegaki beika 植垣米菓
They are popular in Kansai since 1930.
a bit like arare, a bit like karintoo.
Little mochigome rice balls with brown sides, they are looking like plum blossom buds and remind us of the time of nightingales songs (hoohokekyoo ホーホケキョ) , hence the name.
They are fried in oil to get the brown sides.
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warabimochi 笑来美餅 with bracken powder
Mochi vom Adlerfarn
wasanbon 和三盆 wasambon sugar sweets from Shikoku
Zucker aus Shikoku
Yoshinogari saburee 吉野ヶ里 サブレー Sablee from Yoshinogari
Saga, Kyushu
zerii biinzu ゼリービーンズ jelly beans
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
External LINK
Kyoto Foodie: Where and what to eat in Kyoto
Autumn Leaves and Ginkgo Leaf Shaped Namagashi いちょう 生菓子
Dorayaki: Gion Shimogawara Azuki Mikasa 祇園 下河原 阿月 三笠
Gion Chigo Mochi 祇園ちご餅
Daimonji Okuribi Senbei and Kompeito 大文字 送り火 せんべい こんぺいとう
Kuromame Daifuku Mochi 京都ふたば 丹波黒豆大福
Kurikinton Autumn Chestnut Confection 栗きんとん
Kyoto Daimonji Namagashi 大文字 生菓子
Mochibana Japanese New Year Decoration
Japanese Snack Reviews
Telling you more than you need to know about Japanese junk food
Related words
***** WAGASHI ... Sweets SAIJIKI
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