NOVEMBER ... juuichigatsu 十一月
.............. November 27, 2009
Fugu without poison
Farmed in Ainan Town 愛南, Ehime prefecture
Thrill-seeking gourmets have long lusted after the poisonous "torafugu" blowfish, a winter delicacy in Japan that can be lethal ...
Optima Foods Corp. has succeeded in farming 50000 non-poisonous fish of the "takifugu rubripes".
Reference, Japan Times November 27
November 27 (Fri) & 28 (Sat), 2009
International Film Festival on Organic Farming (English)
国際有機農業映画祭 (日本語)
.............. November 10, 2009
BioFach Japan and Natural Expo 2009:
* 242 exhibitors at BioFach Japan and Natural Expo 2009
* Satisfied visitors despite smaller area
242 exhibitors from altogether 18 countries presented their latest product developments and trends to 13,690 visitors in the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition centre from 7–9 October 2009. Although the 1,461 m2 occupied by BioFach Japan and Natural Expo this year was less than the year before, this did not adversely affect the satisfaction of the exhibitors. Due to the strong trend to natural personal care and eco-textiles, special areas had already been created for these ranges in 2008. In 2009, 24 exhibitors presented their latest creations from the textile segment in Cotton Street and the Natural Personal Care Area attracted 28 exhibitors of natural cosmetic products. Around 30 winegrowers enhanced the event with their wines from certified organic grapes.
The next BioFach Japan and Natural Expo take place in the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition centre from 21–23 September 2010 .
“Organic is not a label, it is an attitude. This quote from one of our exhibitors clearly confirms that organic is a question of attitude and organic customers remain loyal – even at times of crisis. The Japanese organic event convinced exhibitors and visitors for what is meanwhile the ninth time.
source: www.biofach-japan.com
.............. November 7, 2008
Zuwaigani ずわい蟹 (ずわいがに ) snow crab,queen crab
Chionoecetes opilio
This is the first day of the official crabbing season. About 120 male snow crabs and 4,000 female snow crabs were hauled in at a Toyooka port in Hyogo. 兵庫豊岡
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kawarasoba, kawara soba 瓦そば "noodles cooked on roof tiles"

Okayama Tenobe Soomen 岡山手延素麺 has started to sell these handmade noodles in a set for easy home cooking. Also chasoba 茶蕎麦 "tea noodles".
During the war in South-West Japan 1877 the castle of Kumamoto was sourrounded by the troups of Satsuma. The Satsuma soldiers used roof tiles to prepare their vegetables and meat. This is the origin of this food preparation.
岡山県浅口郡里庄町新庄平井1887-1 : 手延べ麺
.............. November 8, 2008
Kyoto farmers started pickling thinly sliced turnips (senmaizuke 千枚漬). They will pickle about 500,000 turnips until April 2009.

© PHOTO : Japan Times
.............. November 8, 2011
Kyoto marks winter with turnip pickling
The pickling of turnips, known as "senmaizuke", began in Kyoto on Tuesday, the first day of winter according to the traditional Japanese calendar.
One of the city's culinary specialties is made from shaved "Shogoin" turnips. The turnips get sweeter as nighttime temperatures start to drop around this time of year.
Workers at a pickle factory peeled the turnips, which are 20 centimeters in diameter and weigh about 2 kilograms each, and shaved off slices as thin as 2.6 millimeters using special planes.
They arranged the shaved turnips in wooden barrels in fan shapes, and then sprinkled salt on them. The turnips are taken out of the barrels after 3 days and soaked in a soup stock with kelp.
A typhoon in September delayed the seeding of the turnips, but a good harvest came in this year.
The factory's foreman says the work is hard because the entire process must be done by hand. He says he hopes that the pickles will become more delicious as temperatures drop and sweeten the turnips.
The peak of pickling will come next month.
source : NHK world news
ursura hi no senmaizuke o kiri ni keri
now cutting
the slightly frozen turnips
for pickles
Taiki Koosaku 瀧井孝作(たきい こうさく)
1894 - 1984
.............. November 9, 2008
Unicul Festival 2008 ゆにかる祭
The festival is being held to raise awareness toward building a multilingual and multicultural community. Ethnic food, including rice cakes, Portuguese churassco, Mexican tacos, and Indian curry will be sold, as well as folk crafts and handmade accessories. There will also be live performances of Philippine songs, dances, Peruvian folk dances, and workshops on African dances and balloon art.
The venue is Okazaki Park, which is a 10-minute walk from Higashiyama Station on the Tozai subway line.
Japan Wire
Wankosoba Taikai (wanko soba) わんこそば (わんこ蕎麦 / (椀こそば)
The winner today ate 383 cups of buckwheat noodles.
.............. November 13, 2008
Aso's fish slip gives game away
Prime minister adds to his image of wealthy, aloof politician out of touch with common people
But he probably revealed his true colors Monday while talking about meals at cheap "izakaya" pubs in Tokyo, drawing strong reactions from thousands of pro- and anti-Aso users of 2channel, the country's largest Internet forum.
"Meals (at the pub) were something like 'hokke no nitsuke,' " Aso told executives of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party during a meeting Monday, according to major daily Mainichi Shimbun and Kyodo News.
"Hokke" is a kind of mackerel that is rather cheap but quite substantial, and therefore a favorite of those trying to fill their stomachs with low-budget pub fare.
"Nitsuke" means fish simmered in soy and sugar, a home-style dish for common folks.
But at a pub, at least in the Kanto region, hokke is usually grilled and never nitsuke style.
Thus the combination of hokke and nitsuke that Aso mentioned sounded very strange to many people, and gave the impression that, while pretending to understand the cuisine of common people, Aso has no actual experience of eating such food at inexpensive pubs.
"Do you judge (the value) of a prime minister by hokke no nitsuke or bars at hotels? It's stupid," said another anonymous message on 2channel posted Tuesday.
© Japan Times
Australian beef exports to Japan dropped about 8% from a year ago in October.
Meat and Livestock Australia. MLA
bluefin tuna catch quota
Japan plans to call for halving bluefin tuna catch quota in the Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean at an annual meeting next week of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, government officials said Thursday.
The plan comes after the ICCAT scientific committee in October ruled that 28,500 tons of bluefin tuna catch quota in the waters for 2008 is excessive and recommended that the quota for 2009 be halved to less than 15,000 tons to prevent a fast decline in tuna stocks.
The 50 per cent cut in the quota is expected to affect Japanese consumers. Japan's bluefin tuna catch quota in the ICCAT-regulated waters for 2008 total 2,430 tons and could be reduced to 1,300 tons in 2009 under the Japanese plan.
source : Kyodo / news.tradingcharts.com
.............. November 17, 2008
ボジョレー・ヌーヴォー : Beaujolais Noveau hits Japan
Here is a headline about it ...
Hello Kitty Beaujolais Nouveau in Plastic Bottles Arrives in Japan ...
11 Nov 2008
Online Reference
.............. November 18, 2008
Chinatown in Ikebukuro 東京池袋の中華街 ?
Tokyo Chinatown, 東京中華街

But many Japanese store owners oppose this plan.
source : www
WASHOKU : Chinatowns in Japan
.............. November 20, 2008
Worldwide Water shortage
Half the world's population could face a shortage of clean water by 2080 because of climate change, experts warned Tuesday.
Wong Poh Poh, a professor at the National University of Singapore, told a regional conference that global warming was disrupting water flow patterns and increasing the severity of floods, droughts and storms — all of which reduce the availability of drinking water.
Wong said the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change found that as many as 2 billion people won't have sufficient access to clean water by 2050. That figure is expected to rise to 3.2 billion by 2080 — nearly tripling the number who now do without it.
source : www.iht.com
.............. November 21, 2008
Sake brewing starts in Asahikawa, Hokkaido
.............. November 24, 2008
Manju are named after famous politicians
Koizumi manjuu 小泉まんじゅう
Koizumi Junichiro

Ozawa manjuu おざわまんじゅう, 小沢饅頭
小沢一郎 Ozawa Ichiro
similar to dadacha manjuu.
いっちゃんまんじゅう Ittchan Manju
Shinchan manjuu 晋ちゃんまんじゅう

安倍晋太郎(あべしんたろう) Abe Shintaroo
Aso manjuu with chocolate
麻生太郎首相 Aso Taro
September 2009, after the elections
take a bite
from the political pie -
Hatoyama bisquits
Hatoyama sabure / 鳩山民衆サブレー / 鳩山サブレー
Hatoyama bisquits / Yukio Hatoyama Yukio
maybe the next prime minister ...
鳩山由紀夫, born 1947
CLICK here for PHOTOS !
Hatoyama Apples
政権交代紅白まんじゅう seiken kootai koohaku manjuu
and more HATOYAMA snacks !
Fujikawa Yuri 藤川ゆり
ゆりたんの美味しすぎる りんごケーキ
Yuritan Apple Cake . Yuri Fujikawa
Politician from Hachinohe, Northern Japan
Kenchan Manju 健ちゃんまんじゅう
千葉県の森田健作知事 Morita Kensaku from Chiba

Aso Taro 2009 Manju
秘密の太郎ちゃん from Akihabara 秋葉原名物
Manju to change Japan 日本をかえるまんじゅう
. . . CLICK here for Photos about polititians and Manju sweets !
. Prime Minister Fukuda 福田首相 . Daruma Senbei
Here is a special treat
Obama Manju, OBAMAまんじゅう / オバマ饅頭

Obama Burger made from fish meat

From the town Obama in Japan 福井県小浜市.

Shared by Taisaku Nogi
Joys of Japan, February 2012
- - - - - 2017 - Cookies about
Donald Trump and his "friends"
.............. November 25, 2008
Echizen Kurage 越前クラゲ monstrous jellyfish
Their number has greatly fallen this year from 6800 sightings in November last year to only 128 this year. The reason is unclear, dirt in Chinese waters, global warming or not enough food left for them.
.............. November 27, 2008
Fukumitsuya Sake Boutique
Two new drinks of a shochu liqueur with carrots and apples.
"kutsurogi no onboratto" おんぼらっと
Already available are plum, yuzu, mango
source : www.fukumitsuya.co.jp
source : くつろぎのおんぼらぁと
〒920-8638 石川県金沢市石引二丁目8番3号
.............. November 30, 2008
Japan begins to import whale meat from Iceland.
Related words
December 。。。 juunigatsu 十二月
1 comment:
I couldn't understand till I saw kan-ji,usurahi no.
Japanese, especialy kan-ji is difficult.
Thank you for nice haiku.
Iam getting to eat Senmaizuke.
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