BACKUP from the WKD, September 2008
. WKD - sake 鮭 salmon .
. sake 鮭 legends about the salmon - Lachs Legenden .
Salmon (sake)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: All Autumn
***** Category: Animal
Salmon and trout (masu 鱒) are the representative fish of Hokkaido.
Its roe and eggs, ikura, are quite a delicacy too.
Ainu Pattern
There are many kigo for this fish.
salmon, sake (when in the water) 鮭
... pronounced shake when used as food on the table
flavor of autumn, aki aji 秋味
first salmon, hatsuzake 初鮭
salmon with a bent nose, hanamagari sake 鼻曲がり鮭
autumn of the salmon, sake no aki 鮭の秋
fishing for salmon, sakeryoo 鮭漁
net for salmon fishing, sake ami 鮭網
outlook for salmon, sake banya 鮭番屋
hut for salmon fishermen, sakegoya 鮭小屋
.... wherer they live and process the catch during season
hitting the salmon, sake uchi 鮭打ち
..... See the Ainu Legend below.
Ainu Legends

Why you should always use a willow stick to kill salmon, this revered fish
Among freshwater fish the salmon and salmon-trout hold the highest place. This is what one would expect, inasmuch as these are the largest and most useful fishes to enter the rivers. The true salmon is called shibe, and this word means either "the great thing" or "the chief food." It is also known as kamui chep besides, and that means "divine food" or "divine fish," and it is reported to have originally come down from Paradise....
When the Ainu go salmon fishing they always provide a thick willow stick about two feet long with which to strike the salmon's head and kill it. This stick is called isapa-kik-ni, "the head-striking wood" ....
The Ainu say that the salmon do not like being killed with a stone or any wood other than good sound willow, but they are very fond of being killed with a willow stick. Indeed, they are said to hold the isapa-kik-ni in great esteem. If anything else is used, the fish will go away in disgust.
Read all about Ainu Culture here:
Spawning Salmon in Hokkaido
Kigo for All Summer
cherry salmon, yamame 山女 Oncorhynchus masou;
Literally "mountain lady", "Mountain Maiden".
Cherry Salmon Fish, yamameuo 山女魚
fishing for cherry salmon, yamame tsuri 山女釣
Fishing for this fish is a great hobby of many anglers, seen commonly at the local rivers.
The Salmon Museum in Chitose, Hokkaido
Chitose Salmon Aquarium is located on the Chitose River in Hokkaido Japan. This river originates from the beautiful waters of Lake Shikotsu in central Hokkaido then joins Hokkaido's largest river the Ishikari, which in turn flows into the Sea of Japan.
aramakizake 新巻鮭(あらまきざけ)one whole fish perserved in straw after marinating in vinegar
WASHOKU : salted salmon, shiozake 塩鮭 (しおざけ)
tokishirazu (ときしらず)時しらず ・ 鮭
tokisake 時鮭 (ときさけ)
Best in SPRING in Hokkaido, before laying eggs.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
A special kind of salmon from Hokkaido, best smoked or slightly roasted.
Worldwide use
North America
cherry salmon, steelhead trout
the Alaskan King or Chinook salmon, which is a very important fish along the west coast US and Canada.
There is a trout that is a rainbow trout if it happens to live its life in a river but becomes a steelhead trout if it can get access to the ocean--like the salmon, they return to the river to
spawn, leaping through rapids to get upstream. Dams, of course, make this difficult.
Linda Papanicolaou
Things found on the way
Child's Salmon Skin Coat
Originally all Ainu garments were made of skin, fur, and feathers, and these types of clothing survived in Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands into the twentieth century. Salmon skin was highly prized for making strong, light, durable waterproof garments. Sakhalin Ainu decorated fishskin garments with delicate appliqué, as did their neighbors in the lower Amur River region.
This child's coat has a Sakhalin Ainu cut but was collected in Hokkaido – like people, artifacts often end up far from home. This coat may have come to Hokkaido with Ainu refugees expelled when Sakhalin was turned over to the Russians in 1875. In 1896 it was sold to Mrs. Mabel Loomis Todd, a participant in an Amherst College expedition that came to Hokkaido to view a solar eclipse.
Smithsonian Museum
a trout leaps
through the rainbow
Linda Papanicolaou
Negi wa naku/ sake ya kirimi ni/ seiki-zamu
> No leeks,
> Salmon cut in slices;
> Century-cold.**
Keiko Imaoka
** newly coined by the author, for which this Ku is famous.
quiet cove--
an eagle plucks a salmon
from the clouds
Billie Wilson
Haiku Cycles (2001)
Salmon Haiku Duel
The majority of the haiku entries came from the passionate pens of wild salmon lovers, but many also came from ardent and lyrical supporters of salmon farming, and from budding poets skeptical of the controversy on the whole.
Bye lovely tyee
I have turned my back on you
To work farming fish
Jeff Ardron
We swim forever
gravel rivers ocean sky
giving life we die
Marilyn MacPherson
Coho burn, dark red
Water boils in icy pools
Cold fire in the stream
Charles Thirkill
More are here
Some Japanese Salmon-Haiku
Gendai Haiku Database
Related words
***** Spring King Salmon Derby
Kigo for Spring in Alaska.

Running through Juneau all year with a peak run from May to July, the chinook -or king salmon-- is Alaska's state fish.
The month-long derby sets itself apart from the rest with shore fishing, festivities and competitions ranging from the eldest veteran to weigh in to the largest weigh-in by a child.
King salmon, the largest and least abundant of the salmon species, average 36" and weigh around 30 pounds. Last year's Spring King Derby winner brought in a 42.3-pound king.
***** coho (silver) salmon start to run
Kigo for Summer in Alaska.
***** Golden North Salmon Derby
Kigo for Summer in Alaska.
***** Salmonberry
Kigo for Summer in Alaska.
Sake, Masu and Ayu : Salmon, trouts and sweetfish ... the naming
FISH and Seafood SAIJIKI
Back to the Worldkigo Index
1 comment:
Shōnai 山形 - 庄内 - 伝説 Shonai Yamagata Legends
sake no oosuke 鮭の大助 the salmon called Osuke, the BIG ONE, the Salmon King
On the 15th day of the 11th lunar month people prepare mochi 餅をつく rice cakes, because Sake no Osuke descended the Mamurogawa river.
"If a human happened to hear the cry of the salmon masters, he would die on the spot. Therefore the people pounded rice, making much noise, and kept to the house, in order not to hear it".
Now it was a widespread custom in Japan for somebody to close his ears with two rice cakes when he heard of the death of a friend of a same age. Thus he pretended not to hear the bad news, and wanted to ward off possible ominous effects on himself."
Women had to stay in their homes and men were also forbidden to see the salmon.
source : North_Western_Pacific.htm
Salmon twins called Osuke and Kosuke, “big one” and “little one,
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