
(C) http://mosquito.ifas.ufl.edu/BuzzWords.htm
Arabu no haru アラブの春 Arab spring
beesubooru, yakyuu 野球 baseball
borabaito ボラバイト (volunteer arubaito) voluneer arbeit, voluneer helpers
bottakuri ぼったくり rip-off (at the bars of Kabukicho and elsewhere
Japan's cunning bottakuri bars con compliant customers ...
boori 暴利 extensive profit
danshari 断捨離(だんしゃり) live frugal, get rid of the clutter in your life and live with the bare minimum of things
donmai ドンマイ don't mind
emoji 絵文字 picture characters or emoticons used in Japanese wireless messages and webpages
In combination of colors and content, they bring emotions to the email messages.
see : wikipedia
fuuhyuu higai 風評被害 economic damage caused by unfounded rumors
global mindset management
haitateki 排他的 exclusive. exklusiv; ausschließlich.
Higashi Nihon Daishinsai 東日本大震災 Great East Japan Earthquake
JC, JK and JD joshi chūgakusei, joshi kōsei and joshi daisei
..... female middle school, high school, university student.
kitaku nanmin 帰宅難民 returner refugees in Tokyo
locavore, locavores 地産地消主義者 ロカヴォア eating local food, in the USA
makudonarudo マクドナルド McDonalds Japan. Mac Donalds, McDonald's
Nadeshiko Japan 撫子ジャパン
naruhaya なるはや narubeku hayaku
Naruto ナルト
nau なう now
..... and (wazu わず was, uiru うぃる will be)
puraibeeto burando プライベートブランド, PB, private brand
even for food
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
purikura, puri kura プリクラ print club
rooru kyabetsu ロールキャベツ rolled cabbage
..... a man, whimpy outside, masculine inside
ryūkōgo taishō, ryuukoogo taishoo 流行語大賞 buzzword grand prix
seiken kootai 政権交代 (せいけんこうたい) seiken kotai, political change
..... in Japan, Spetember 2009
silver week, in Japan, in September 2009
simply haiku
think green
tinywords micropoetry
Tokyo nau 東京なう I am now in Tokyo
TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership, includes: abolishing tariffs on agricultural and fishery products
Yanba damu 八ツ場ダム Yanba dam, Yamba dam
in Naganoharamachi, Gunma Prefecture
Buzzwords 2013 - nau wiru wazu
カラオケなう (karaoke nau, singing karaoke)
すき家なう (Sukiya nau, eating at Sukiya, a gyūdon [beef on rice] chain restaurant)
デートなう (dēto nau, on a date)
お風呂なう (ofuro nau, having a bath)
興奮なう (kōfun nau, feeling excited)
鬱なう (utsu nau, feeling depressed).
忘年会わず (bōnenkai wazu, was at the yearend-party)
馬場わず (Baba wazu, was at Takadanobaba)
ラーメンわず (was ramen) and a photo of an empty soup bowl.
成田うぃる (Narita wiru, on my way to Narita)
ハワイうぃる (Hawai wiru, heading to Hawaii)
友達ん家うぃる (tomodachinchi wiru, going to a friend’s place)
now used to be katakana adjective naui (ナウい),
warota (ワロタ) smile and ii ne! (いいね!) like (facebook words)
shii mēru (Cメール) mobile text messages
写メ, (sha-me, shashin [写真, photo] and mēru [メール, mail])
メル友 (meru-tomo) email pal
- source : Japan Times
Related words
***** WKD Reference
1 comment:
bottakuri ぼったくり rip-off (at the bars of Kabukicho and elsewhere
Japan's cunning bottakuri bars con compliant customers ...
boori 暴利 extensive profit
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