
Kaishi paper


Tea ceremony paper (kaishi )

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Topic
***** Category: Humanity


Kaishi 懐紙 folded paper, "pocket paper"

Japanese washi paper, folded and tucked inside the front of one's kimono, especially for use at the tea ceremony. It comes in a pad folded in half. It was kept in the overlap of the kimono.
When not in use, it is kept in a small brocade pouch,
kaishi ire 懐紙入れ.

. . . CLICK here for KAISHI Photos !

. . . CLICK here for KAISHI IRE pouches Photos !


Literally, "pocket paper".
A general term for paper used in the tea ceremony which is tucked in the front of the kimono. Used to clean the fingers after wiping the tea bowl, or used as a plate for cakes or sweets served during the ceremony.
Kurasuyama kaishi is famous and is used by the Imperial household.

Washi: Japanese handmade paper
source :  www.origami.as

Kurasuyama washi 烏山和紙


Kaishi from Mino Paper

Kaishi (Japanese paper) is used as a mat to put sweets on, or to wipe the edge of the bowl one has sipped from. People fold and tuck it inside the front or in the sleeve of their kimono at tea ceremonies. However, tea ceremonies are not only occasion to use kaishi. You can use it to decorate tables or plates, or as note paper.

Nowadays, common kaishi is mass manufactured by machines, but this kaishi is traditional handmade Japanese paper. It is a technical challenge to make it so thin. You can almost see though it. It has a natural pulp fiber pattern similar to Japanese classic paper. It is reminiscent of shoji-paper on paper panel doors in a traditional Japanese house. Using premium handmade kaishi is a sign of sophistication, and perfect for tea ceremonies.

Mino paper
The origins of Mino paper are believed to lie in the Nara period (710-794). It is produced by the nagashisuki or tossing method, much like the majority of Japan's handmade paper. This method weaves the fibers extremely tight, resulting in thin but durable paper not unlike cloth. Mino paper is often used in arts such as painting and calligraphy, as well as making gold leaves. It is also good for sliding paper screens often found in Japanese homes. There are 14 Master Craftsmen across 28 firms recognized for their skill and talent for producing Mino paper.
source :  www.everyonestea.com

. Tomobata Flag Festival .
Flags made from Mino paper


Washi, Japanese Paper 和紙

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Famous WASHI-producing areas in Japan

東山和紙  伊勢和紙  
 淡路津名紙  内山紙  
 出雲民芸紙  越中和紙  
 越前和紙  大洲和紙  
 近江和紙  小国和紙  
 小川和紙  桐生和紙  
 烏山和紙  山中和紙    
 笹紙  ちくさ雁皮紙  
 駿河柚野紙  保田和紙 
水俣和紙 柳生和紙
伊勢和紙 黒谷和紙

横野和紙 Okayama, Yokono


hatsu kaishi 初懐紙(はつかいし)"first kaishi paper"

first writing of a haiku (or other poems) on the thin Japanese folded kaishi paper.

Related words

***** Tea Ceremony SAIJIKI

***** WASHOKU ... Tableware and Tools


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