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......................................... .. TTT

tabaragani ... Königskrebs. Rote Krabbe. Paralithodes camtschaticus
tachiuo, tachi uo ... “Haarschwanz” (Fisch mit großem Schwert) §Degenfisch. Trichiurus lepturus auriga. largehead hairtail . cutlassfisch
tade …Knöterich, Wasserpfeffer Polygonum hydropiper
tai, madai ... Rote Seebrasse §Meerbrasse Pagrus major . Fam. Sparidae. Sea bream-. sea bream … fuedai. Schnapper. Lutjanus stellatus. snapper
tai no karamushi 鯛の唐蒸し ... gedünstete Seebrasse mit Gemüse. steamed sea bream with vegetables
taiyaki ... Waffel in Form einer Seebrasse

takaashigani, taka-ashi kani ... „Japanische Spinnen-Krabbe“. Macrocheira kaempferi . Japanese Spider Crab, giant spider crab
takana ... Takana-Wirsing. Brassica juncea
taka no tsume ... roter Pfeffer. rote Pfefferschote. Capsicum annuum..
take, madake ... Bambus. Phyllostachys bambusoides
takenoko, take no ko ... Bambussprossen. Bambussprössling §Bambuswurzel
takesudare, take sudare ... Rollmatte aus Bambus . Bambusmatte, klein, zum Rollen von Speisen, besonders Sushi (makisu まきす)
takikomigohan ... Reis gekocht mit weiteren Zutaten

tako, madako ... Oktopoden. Gemeiner Oktopus, Krake : §Oktopus, Octopus vulgaris 
takohiki, takobiki … Messer zum Zerschneiden von Kraken für Sashimi.
tako no fukurogo … Eiersack des weiblichen Kraken.
tako no sakurani, sakura-ni ... gekochter Oktopus “wie Kirschblüten“
takoyaki ... Oktopus-Teigbällchen
takoyaki nabe ... Takoyaki-Eisen. (Ersatzweise Augenpfanne)
takuan ... Takuan. Eingelegter Rettich

tamago ... Ei
tamagokake gohan ... „Reis mit rohem Ei“
tamagoyaki ... japanisches Omelett
tamari shooyu ... Tamari-Sojasauce
tamanegi #tama-negi ... Zwiebel
tango no sekku ... Knabenfest
tanishi ... Teichschnecke. Cipango paludina.
tanpaku ... Protein. protein
tansan manjuu ... Backpulver-Manju. juutansan sooda ist sodium bicarbonate

tarabagani ... roter Königskrebs §Königskrabbe. Paralithodes camtschaticus
tara, madaraタラ(鱈) ... Kabeljau. Gadus morhua §Gadus macrocephalus. atlantic cod. Sein Rogen ist “shirako”.
tarako ... Gesalzener Rogen vom Alaska-Pollak. (Alaska-Seelachs) ?nicht Kabeljaurogen
tara no me ... Knopsen der japanischen Aralie. Aralia elata 楤の芽
tare ... Sauce zum Dippen $Eintauchen
taroimo, satoimo, taro imo, sato imo ... Taro-Wurzeln. Colocasia esculenta
tataki ... roh Geschnetzeltes
tataki … scharf angebrates, z. B. buri oder katsuo
tateba chaya 立場茶屋 ... tea stall serving food by the roadside whilst standing
tawashi … Scheuerbürste (japanische TAWASHI sind anders wie deutsche)

teishoku ... Gedeck §Menü. set meal, let lunch,
tekka ... glühend heiße rote Kohlen.
tekkamaki ... Sushi-Rollen mit Thunfisch. „Fleisch so rot wie glühende Kohlen und so heiß wie ein Bissen Wasabi.“

temaki-zushi, temakizushi ... von Hand selbst gerolltes Sushi (meist in Form einer Tüte)
... maki-zushi, makizushi ... gerolltes Sushi. ?Sushirolle, ?Sushi-Rolle (in einer Bambusmatte gerollt) Maki-Sushi.
??Maki-zushi mit Inside-out-rolls.

Tempel Sensooji

tenagadako ... „Langarm-Oktopus“. Octopus minor
tendon … Schale Reis mit Tempura
tengusa … Agar-Agar. Gelidium amansii.
tenkasu ... Tenkasu, frittierte Tempura-Panadereste (als Ersatz .. grob geriebene Semmelbrösel §Grobe Brotkrumen als Ersatz)
tenmenjan ... chinesische süße schwarze Miso-Paste. Chinese sweet black miso
tennen kinenbutsu 天然記念物 ... Naturdenkmal
tennoo … Kaiser. §Tennoo
tenpura ... Das Tempura §Tenpura
tenshin 点心 ... refreshment, eaten shortly before lunch. dim sum in Chinese.
teppanyaki ... Braten auf der Eisenplatte. Gemischte Grillplatte.
teriyaki ... Teriyaki, mariniert mit Teriyaki-Sauce. Teriyaki-Glasursauce.
tessa ... Sashimi vom Kugelfisch, Fugu-Sashimi
te-uchi soba, teuchi soba ... von Hand geknetete Buchweizennudeln, ?handgemachte Buchweizennudeln

tobiko, tobiuonoko, tobiuo no ko, tobikko ... Rogen von fliegendem Fisch $Fliegenfischrogen
tobiuo ... fliegender Fisch. Fam. Exocoetidae, Cypselurus... . hontobiuo C. hiraii. hamatobiuo C. pinnatibarbatus japonicus, oder Cheilopogon agoo (Japanese flying fish). In Tottori wird er AGO genannt.. flying fish
toge kurigani ... Eßkastanien-Krabbe mit Stacheln. Telmessus acutidens
togurokooika togurokoo ika … Posthörnchen. Spirula spirula
toki daikoo … “Trommel zur Stundenanzeige”. Schnaps in Doogo Onsen.
tokkuri … Sakeflasche mit engem Hals
tokobushi床伏... Abalonenart. Sulculus diversicolor aquatilis
tokusa ... Schachtelhalm. Equisetum hyemale

tonburi ... Samen der Sommerzypresse. "Berg-Kaviar". Frucht der Kochia scoparia
ton, buta ... Schwein
tonjiru ... miso soup with pork. Schweine-Miso-Suppe
tonkatsu … Schweineschnitzel
tonkotsu … Schweineknochen. Für Ramen ausgekocht-
toobanjan ... chinesische scharfe rote Miso-Paste. $rote Chilipaste.
toobanyaki, tooban yaki … Grillen-Braten-Kochen auf einer Keramikplatte
toochi … chinesische würzige schwarze Bohnenpaste 豆鼓(トウチ/ トーチ)Black bean sauce

toofu … DER Tofu. ?Bohnenquark ?Sojabohnenquark
toofu ryoori ... Tofugerichte oder Tofu-Gerichte

toogan … Wintermelone. Benincasa hispida
toogarashi ... die Chili (als Schote), der Chili (als Gewürz)
Toohoku, Tookyoo, Kyooto … Tohoku, Tokyo, Kyoto !
toonyuu ... Sojabohnenmilch. ??Sojamilch. Nach Zugabe von Salzsole-Bitterstoff (nigari) entsteht Milchbruch.
tooshi ... „Pfirsischzweige“. Konfekt
tooyadoofu, tooya toofu 冬夜豆腐 ... Tofu eaten on a winter night

torigai ... Herzmuschel. Fulvia mutica
tori no kara-age … frittiertes Hühnerfleisch
toromi ... Dickheit einer Suppe. Andicken. thickness of soup.
tororo … geschabter Kombu-Seetang
tororo ... geriebene Jamswurzel
tororo imo ... Jamswurzeln. Dioscorea japonica
tororojiru ... Suppe mit geriebener Jamswurzel
toshikoshi soba ... Silvester-Buchweizennudeln „für einen guten Rutsch“

tsuboyaki ... (sazae ?Kreiselschnecke ) gegrillt in der Schale
tsubuan, tsubu-an ... gekochte süße Azuki-Bohnen, nicht püriert. #Bohnenpüree
tsubugai ... Tsubugai-Muschel. Babylonia japonica
tsuishi ... Bällchen aus Mehl. Konfekt für Neujahr.
tsuji-uranai ... Glückskekse, zum Neujahrsfest in Kanazawa
tsukemen ... Nudeln zum Eintauchen
tsukemono , o-tsukemono, otsukemono 漬物 ... Pickles. Eingelegtes Gemüse.

tsukimi dango ... Klößchen für die Mondschau
tsuki no wa guma ... Kragenbär . Selenarctos thibetanus.
tsukudani ... „Eingekochtes von der Insel Tsukuda“. in Sojasauce mit Zucker und Mirin geschmort ?Mit gesüßter Sojasauce und Gewürzen.
tsukushi, sugina ..... Schachtelhalm. Equisetum arvense
tsumami, otsumami, o-tsumami ... Kleinigkeit zu Essen, Häppchen zum Alkohol. (wird gekocht)
tsumami ... Snack (meist in einer Verpackung)
tsurumurasaki, tsuru murasaki つるむらさき【蔓紫】 ... Basella rubra. Malabar-Spinat
tsuwabuki ... Tsuwabuki-Huflattich. Farfugium japonicum 石蕗 japanese silver leaf

.......... UUU

uchiko うちこ【打(ち)粉】 ... "Mehl werfen", verhindert, dass die Nudeln miteinander verkleben
udo ... Udo. mountain vegetable. Aralia cordata Thunb. (Berg-Spargel) Japanese spikenard, wild sarsaparilla. Veleriana celtica ist Speik. – shishiudo, shishi-udo (Angelica pubescens). “Japanische Bergangelika“ scheint was anderes zu sein
uerudan ウエルダン well-done. gut durchgebraten.
udon ... Udon-Nudlen. ?Udon. dicke Weizennudeln

uikyoo ういきょう【茴香】 fennel. Fenchelart. Foeniculum vulgare Mill.

uinaa, uinaa sooseeji ウィナーソーセージ , ウインナソーセージ... Wiener Würstchen, Wienerle. Wiener saussage. ?Siedewürstchen

uisukii ... Whisky (Scotch), Whiskey (irischer Whiskey)
ukiko … feines Reismehl浮粉 (Weizenmehl wird mit Wasser geknetet, bis die Stärke und das Eiweiß getrennt sind. Die Stärke wird verwendet.
ukokkei ... „Schwarzes Huhn“. Hühnerrasse. „ „Knochen wie ein Rabe“ ?Rabenknochen. Schwarze Knochen und Haut.
umai ... „Das schmeckt lecker!“ . delicious
umami ... Schmackhaftigkeit. savory. der 5. Geschmack. yummy

ume 梅 ... a Japanese apricot. apricot variety in Japan. ?Pflaume, plum. Prunus mume Sieb., eigentlich eine Aprikosenart (Pflaume ist PURAMU, plum)
umeboshi ... "getrocknete Pflaume", getrocknete Salzpflaume
umezu (§umesu)... „Pflaumen-Essig“, Flüssigkeit beim Einlegen von Salzpflaumen.

umi no sachi ... „Segen aus dem Meer“ §"Segen des Meeres”$Meeresprodukte
umi no sachi yama no sachi ... Segen des Meeres und der Berge (sansai ist ein "Geschenke des Waldes")

unagi ... Japanischer Aal . §Aal. Anguilla japonica. Japanese eel
uni ... Seeigel. Fam. Echinoidea.
uni … Seeigelkeimdrüsen. Männliche und weibliche werden unterschieden. sea urchin
unohana ... Rückstände bei der Herstellung von Tofu.
unshuu mikan ... Mandarinenart. Citrus unshiu. 温州蜜柑
uragoshi ... sieben, seihen

uramaki, ura-maki 裏巻き(うらまき ... "Inside-out rolls", kind of california roll of sushi / temaki no ... handgeformte Sushi-Rolle mit Füllung "nach außen gekehrt"

uri うり (瓜) ... gourd, oriental melon. Uri-Melone. ?Zuckermelone

uruchigome, uruchimai ... gewöhnlicher Reis, nicht klebender Reis. Oryza sativa. uruchigomeko … Reismehl. Mehl von gewöhnlichem Reis, komeko 米粉
urume ... runde Heringsart.urume-iwashi Etrumeus teres. round herring big-eye sardine

ushiojiru ... Meersalzsuppe mit frischen Meeresfrüchten
usukuchi shooyu ... helle Sojasauce (#milde)
usutaasoosu … Worcestersauce, Worcestersoße
uuroncha, uuron cha ウーロン茶 ... Ulong-Tee. Olong-Tee.
utsubo …Kidako-Muräne. Gymnothorax kidako

uzura … Wachtel. Coturnix cotrunix. quail
uzura no tamago ... Wachtelei ?Wachtel-Ei
uzuramame, uzura mame うずらまめ【鶉豆】 ... pinto bean. (kind of ingen). gesprenkelte Bohne

.......... WWW

wabicha 佗び茶 ... "rustic tea ceremony"
wafuu ... im japanischen Stil. japanese style
wafuu soosu ... Sauce im Japanischen Stil.
wakame ... Wakame. Riesenblättertang. Undaria pinnatifida
wakasagi公魚、鰙、若鷺 … Japanischer Stint. Hypomesus nipponensis. japanese smelt

wankosoba ... Wankosoba. Buchweizennudeln in kleinen Schalen serviert, zum Schnellessen.
warabi ... Adlerfarn. Pteridium aquilinum. bracken
warazaiku, wara zaiku ... Kunstewerke aus Reisstroh
warigo重箱 ... gestapelte Kästen oder Schachteln für Essen
warishita ...angesüßte Sojasauce, meist für Sukiyaki oder dojoonabe

wasabi ... Das Wasabi. Japanischer Meerrettich. Wasabia japonica. #grüner Meerrettich . Japanese Horseradish
.... Produkte :
wasabi peesuto 山葵ペースト / ワサビペースト ... Wasabipaste (wasabi paste)
... neriwasabi, neri-wasabi 練りわさび is in the tube as paste. geriebenes Wasabi
kona wasabi 粉山葵(粉ワサビ). wasabi kona わさび粉 ... Wasabipulver (wasabi powder)
wasabijooyu 山葵醤油 ... Wasabi-Sojasauce
... wasabi dipping sauce

wasanbon ... Wasanbon. Wasambon. Japanischer Zucker. aus Zuckerrohr von Kagawa und Tokushima. Saccharum sinense Roxb, Chinese sugar cane
wasei haabu ... Japanese herbs, like myooga and shiso
washi ... Japanpapier
wata-ame, wataame わたあめ / 綿あめ / 綿飴 cotton candy. Zuckerwatte
watarigani, gazami ... Gazami-Schwimmkrabbe. Portunus trituberculatus

..... YYY

yadokari... Einsiedlerkrebs. $Fam. Paguroidea
yaezakura ... Gefüllte Kirschblüten vom Baum Prunus lannesiana

yaki (yaku) ... grilled, roasted ..
yakibuta ... Japanischer Krustenbraten
yakidoofu ... gegrillter Tofu
yakiimo, yaki-imo ... geröstete Süßkartoffeln. ?Süßkartoffel aus dem Ofen
yakimeshi ... aufgebratener Reis, oft „chaahan“
yakimochi ... gerösteter Reiskuchen. Eifersucht
yakiniku ... gegrilltes Fleisch „Koreanisches Barbeque“ (auf koreanische Art), gebratenes Fleisch
yakinori ... geröstete Nori
yakishio ... Tafelsalz
yakisoba ... gebratene Nudeln (chinesische Nudeln)
yakitori ... Hünchen am Spieß
yakizakana ... gebratener Fisch, Bratfisch. Häufig eher über Holzkohlen gegrillter Fisch. Beim traditionellen yakizakana wird kaum Öl verwendet. grilled or broiled fish

yaku ... grillen, braten, rösten usw.
yakumi ... Gewürze (und Kräuter)
yakuzen ... „Medizin-Essen“ 薬膳 316
yamabudoo ... „Berg-Trauben“, wilde Trauben, Vitis coigenetiae. Scharlach-Rebe. Crimson glory vine
yamaimo, yama-imo ... runde Jamswurzel. Dioscorea japonica.
yamakake 山かけ ... Thunfisch-Stücke auf Reis mit geriebener Jamswurzel

yama no sachi ... "Segen der Berge". ?Segnungen des Waldes und der Berge ?Segnungen des ?Waldes. ?Produkte der Berge (des Landes). „Segen aus den Bergen“ ?„Segenungen der Berge“

yamazuke ... "bergförmig gesalzener Lachs". gesalzener Lachs der Ainu
yana ... Bambus-Fischwehr . Fischreuse. Bambus-Wehr zum Fang von Lachs
yanagibashi ... Essstäbchen aus Weidenholz. Für Neujahr.
yariika, yari ika ... Bleekers-Kalmar ( „Speer-Tintenfisch”) . Loligo bleekeri.
yasai ... Gemüse
yatsume unagi ... Neunauge. Lampetra japonica

yomogi ... Beifuß. Artemisia princeps. mugwort
yokochoo … “Gasse”, eigentlich Seitenstraße.
yookan 羊羹  … Yookan. ?Yōkan-Gelee-Paste. Süßes Bohnengelee in Stangenform. Süßigkeit aus Bohnenmus, Zucker, Mehl und Agar-Agar. mizu yokan. swetened and jellied been paste (often in a bar form)
yoonashi ... „Westilche Birne“. Birne
yosenabe ... Eintopfgericht
yoshikirizame ... 葭切鮫... Blauer Hai. Prionace glauca, blue shark. 104

yuba ... Yuba. Haut von Sojamilch ?Haut der Sojabohnenmilch. ?Sojamilchhaut (falsch: Tofuhaut)
yuusoku kojitsu 有職故実 ... formal rules for behaviour and eating at the court

yubeshi ... Süßigkeit aus einer ausgehölten Yuzu-Citrusfrucht, gefüllt mit diversen Zutaten ...
yubiki 湯引き ... blanchierte Speisen
yudoofu ... Tofu in warmem Wasser. „Heiß gebadet“
yukishio, yuki-shio雪塩 ... snow-salt. Schnee-Salz
yuri ... Lilie. Fam. Lilium
yurine ... Lilienknolle百合根。Von Lilium auratum
yuuanyaki, yuuan yaki ... 幽庵焼き(ゆうあんやき)柚庵(ゆあん)焼き .. seared (grilled) fish with radish an lots of yuzu juice and soy sauce a la teriyaki.
yuusoku 有職 ... formal etiquette at courd, Hofetiquette

yuzu … Yuzu-Zitrone. Citrus junos. yuzu no kawa ... Yuzuschale, ersatzweise Limettenschale

.......... ZZZ

zanban 残飯 ... left over rice, zanbanya 残飯屋 stall selling left-over rice to the poor. zanpan
zarame, zarametoo 粗目 (ざらめ) ... Kristallzucker, chrystal sugar
zaru 笊 ... Bambuskorb #Bambussieb
zarusoba ... Kalte Buchweizennudeln im Korb serviert

zenji marugaki ... „Die runde Persimone vom Zen-Tempel“, in Kawasaki, Tempel Oozen-Ji.
zenmai ... Taubenfarn. Osmunda japonica. - レガリスゼンマイ Osmunda regalis . Königsfarn
zenmai meshi ... Reis mit Taubenfarn
zenzai … dicke süße Bohnensuppe mit Mochi
zerii ゼリー ... jelly, Gelee, Götterspeise

zooni ... Zōni, eine Gemüsesuppe mit Mochi ?Neujahrssuppe.
zoosui ... (dicke) Reissuppe mit weiteren Zutaten
zundamochi ... Reiskuchen mit grüner Bohnenpaste
zuwaigani ... Schneekrabbe. Chionoecetes opilio

.......................... END



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Toyama Prefecture



Toyama Prefecture (富山県 Toyama-ken)
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Chūbu region on Honshū island. The capital is the city of Toyama.
Toyama is the leading industrial prefecture on the Japan Sea coast, and has the industrial advantage of cheap electricity due to abundant water resources. The Itai-itai disease occurred in Toyama around 1950.

Toyama is a major producer of high quality rice making use of abundant water sources originating from Mt.Tateyama.
Toyama is famous for its historical pharmaceutical industry.

The Historic Villages of Shirakawa-gō 白河郷 and Gokayama are one of Japan's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Tateyama Mountain Range 館山連峰 / 立山連峰
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama belief .

Tateyama Mandala 立山曼荼羅
- quote
Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama Mandara
Painting and Religious Practice at a Japanese Mountain

Caroline Hirasawa (Sophia University, Tokyo)

CLICK for detailed photos.

Hell-bent for Heaven in Tateyama mandara treats the history, religious practice, and visual culture that developed around the mountain Tateyama in Toyama prefecture. Caroline Hirasawa traces the formation of institutions to worship kami and Buddhist divinities in the area, examines how two towns in the foothills fiercely fought over religious rights, and demonstrates how this contributed to the creation of paintings called Tateyama mandara.
The images depict pilgrims, monks, animals, and supernatural beings occupying the mountain’s landscape, thought to contain both hell and paradise. Sermons employing these paintings taught that people were doomed to hell in the alpine landscape without cult intervention—and promoted rites of salvation. Women were particular targets of cult campaigns. Hirasawa concludes with an analysis of spatial practices at the mountain and in the images that reveals what the cult provided to female and male constituents.
Drawing on methodologies from historical, art historical, and religious studies, this book untangles the complex premises and mechanisms operating in these pictorializations of the mountain’s mysteries and furthers our understanding of the rich complexity of pre-modern Japanese religion.
- source :


Shogawa river valley stretching across the border of Gifu and Toyama Prefectures in northern Japan. Hagimachi 萩町
Shirakawa  白河郷 / 白川郷 Gifu


Toyama specialities 富山 郷土料理

aimaze あいまぜ mixed radish leaves and root
radish leaves are cut finely and pickled in salt and the radish itself is cut in small stripes, boiled for a moment to remove the salt. This mix is simmered with sakekasu, miso paste and kombu dashi.
from 舟橋村

akakabu ryoori 赤かぶ料理 food with red turnips
pickles, in soups or simmered

akamama, aka-mama 赤まま red rice
made from mochigome, a kind of okowa porridge. With red beans for color. Some families also mix black beans or white soy beans. Served for weddings and festivities because of the auspicious red and white color.

ayu no kanro-ni あゆの甘露煮 sweet simmered ayu sweetfish
fish is slightly grilled and then simmered in green tea with a bit of rice wine, soy sauce, sugar and ginger.

ayu no narezushi あゆのなれ寿し
sushi with fermented sweetfish
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

burakku raamen 富山ブラックラーメン Toyama Black Ramen
black noodle soup from Toyama
with roast pork, a rather salty mix from thick soy sauce.
First introduced at a shop called Daiki 大喜 in 1947.
black type ramen soup from Toyama 黒系ラーメン is now sold in four shops
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

buridaikon ブリと大根のあら煮 yellowtail boiled with radish
The yellowtail from Toyama bay is all natural and not aquafarmed. It is the "King of the Fish in Toyama Bay" 富山湾の王者, when it arrives in winter together with the snow bird (raichoo). Yellowtail changes its name according to its size and is therefore a fish that "makes a good career" (shussezakana 出世魚). Names are 「tsubain ツバイソ(コズクラ)」「bukuragi フクラギ」「hamachi ハマチ(ガンド)」「buri ブリ」. Thus it is auspicious and eaten for celebrations.
The leftovers after cutting out the filets are called ZAN 残(ざん) (usually for other fish they are called ARA アラ) are boiled with seasonal radish (daikon) to make a delicious dish.
BURI is the most representative fish of Western Japan.
Gelbschwanz mit Rettich, Seriola mit Rettich

..... buri no arani, buri no ara-ni ぶりのあらに / 鰤のあら煮
boiled leftover of yellowtail
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

dago だご dumplings from rice flour
dagojiru だご汁
sasadago 笹だご

daikon radish dishes
..... daikon namasu 大根なます salad
..... daikon no gotcha-ni 大根のごっちゃ煮 simmered with its leaves, miso taste
..... 大根まま rice with radish, with radish leaves too

genge no sumashijiru げんげのすまし汁 fish soup
genge is a fish from the deep sea off the coast with white meat. Kombu is also put into the soup. It is good for women who breastfeed babies.

gohei mochi, goheimochi 五平もち, 御幣餅/五平餅
made from glutinous rice and egoma, with a taste of miso.

gojiru 呉汁 warm soup in winter
Soy beans are cooked and seasoned with miso paste. With more tofu and leek.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

gondamochi ごんだもち
glutinous rice flour is used. They are then elongated to mochi and dried. Put into porridge or grilled for eating.

. Hotaruika 蛍烏賊 firefly squid .
different kind of ika is fished throughout the year in Toyama bay.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
hotaru-ika no karashi sunomono ほたるいかの辛子酢物
from 滑川市
..... ika no mochigome tsume-ni いかのもち米つめ煮 stuffed with glutinous rice and boiled
..... ika no sumitsukuri いかの黒作り dried squid, boiled in its ink
..... ika no teppoo yaki いかの鉄砲焼き grilled yari-ika, made in March only.
teppooyaki is a way of preparing meat of fish or chicken with hot red peppers miso paste, toogarashi-miso とうがらし味噌.
. . . CLICK here for teppoo-yaki Photos !

ichijiku いちじくの甘煮・しょうゆ煮 figs simmered with soy sauce
Figs skin is removed and then simmered with sugar and salt in soy sauce.

imo ohagi いもおはぎ dumplings made from potatoes
imo no ohagi イモのおはぎ
in autumn. made from satoimo potatoes and sweet red bean paste.

いとこ煮 cooked beans with radish, carrots, yam, goboo, fried tofu pouches, konnyaku and other vegetables.
special food for the New Joodo sect of Buddhism.

iwashi no nuta 鰯のぬた nuta of sardines
nuta is a preparation with vinegared miso. The head, innards and bones are taken off and the fish is pickled in vinegar for a while. Then mixed with onions, grated radish, miso paste, vinegar and sugar and some yuzu juice..

jinda じんだ / 糂だ simmered vegetables
nukamiso ぬかみそ, jindamiso じんだみそ, gotomiso, goto miso 五斗味噌(ごとみそ)
Warabi fern, carrots, goboo, shiitake are cut finely and simmered sweet and hot. Later soy beans are added.
Served for religious ceremonies 報恩講の膳
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jindadora じんだどら sweet jinda

kabura goki かぶらごき turnip goki
turnips and the leaves are boiled separately and cut, ground radish is added and soy sauce poored over it.

kaburazushi 蕪(かぶら)寿し turnip sushi
prepared for the new year. Fermented fish meat with turnips.
Also prepared in Ishikawa prefecture.

kabura no yachara かぶらのやちゃら turnips salad
turnips, carrots, long yam, kanten, kikurage, mikan are covered with vinegar, sugar and salt. The ingredients of yachara are different in every home. Some use kombu.

kabusu jiru かぶす汁 soup with gazami crabs
watarigani are put in hot water and other seafood is added. Finally miso paste and cut leek is added.

kachiri,katchiri かっちり small potatoes
boiled with sugar and salt and soy sauce. When the potatoes are done, ground sesame, peanuts powder and egoma are added.

kaki no ha sushi 柿の葉寿し
sushi wrapped in persimmon leaves
the leaves are pickled in vinegar over night.

kamaboko かまぼこ fish paste
in special forms of fish in red and white and other colors for auspicious situations.
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kamouri, kamo-uri no ankake かもうり(冬瓜)のあんかけ
toogan 氈瓜 kind of gourd.
The flesh is simmered with sugar in soy sauce. It is poored over boiled chicken meat or other food.

kanmochi 寒もち"Mochi for the cold season"
koorimochi 氷餅(こおりもち), konmochi こん餅(もち), kakimochi かきもち
they come in various colors.
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kazumino onigiri かずみ野おにぎり
oya taro potatoes, kabu radish, dried zuiki taro stems and chicken meat are mixed with rice and formed to onigiri rice balls.
芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival

kibi okowa きびおこわ gruel from millet
mochigome rice and millet are mixed, beans are cooked with sugar and soy sauce and added.
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masuzushi 鱒寿司 sushi from Masu salmon
In 1717 a samurai from Toyama, Yoshimura Shinpachi 吉村新八 begun preparing this round sushi with ayu from the river Jinzugawa 神通川 and rice from Etchuu 越中米. The third daimyo of Toyama, Maeda Toshioki 前田利興 (1678-1733) liked it very much and gave it as a special offering to the 8th Shogun, Yoshimune, who was quite a gourmet. Since then it is a speciality of Etchu. Leaves of sasa grass (Sasa japonica) are placed into a round vessel and salted masu salmon on sushi rice is placed on it. It is now sold in many places according to secret family recipies.
sometimes ayu is translated as Plecoglossus altivelis.
Masu-Lachs, Oncorhynchus masou

misojiru ni kyuuri きゅうりのお味噌汁 miso soup with raw cucumbers
Cucumbers are not used in other prefectures as an ingredient in miso soup.
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myoogazushi みょうが寿司
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nishin no konbumaki ニシンの昆布巻き
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sansai okowa 山菜おこわ rice with mountain vegetables

satoimo ryoori
..... satoimo no oyaki 里芋のおやき
..... satoimo no nimono 里芋・大根・いかの煮物
..... satoimo no goma-ae 里芋のごま和え
..... satoimo no dengaku 里芋の田楽

shiroebi no kakiage シロエビのかき揚げ shrimps deep fried

soba tsumanko そばつまんこ buckwheat dumplings
with vegetables like zenmai fern, carrots, sweet ebi, simmered in soy sauce and sugar. Buckwheat is formed by hand to small dumplings and simmered in the broth.

takenoko ryoori たけのこ料理 dishes with bamboo sprouts

tenkoro てんころ料理
ちぼいも chibo-imo potatoes prepared as nikorogashi (じゃがいもの煮ころがし). first boiled in the skin, then fried. Then simmered in soy sauce and sugar and mirin.

toofu no buramanju 豆乳のブラマンジェ
(柚子のマーマレードかけ) with yuzu marmelade

tsuboni, tsubo-ni つぼ煮
from the mountains of Tateyama. Perpared for the mountain ascetics.
Dried kugomi are watered and cooked with carrots. Then cooked with dashi and yam, abura-abe, sugar and soy sauce.
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wappani つぼ煮

yubeshi ゆべし with yuzu
made for festivals, served in a dish with a high stand. Kanten jelly is dissolved and soy sauce, sugar and mirin added. An egg and juice from squeezed ginger is added and all let to harden in a square pot.

zenmai no shira-ae ぜんまいの白和え fern in dressing
with tofu and carrots

Things found on the way

Shirakawa Daruma 白川だるま

Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り


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ginkooin ra asa yori keikoo su ika no-gotoku

these bank clarks
already in the morning under flurescent light
like firefly squid

die Bankangestellten
schon früh am morgen im Fluoreszenzlicht
wie die Leuchttintenfische

Kaneko Tohta 金子兜太
Kaneko Tohta (Kaneko Toota) 1919-

. . more translations of this haiku .

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

***** . Folk Toys from Toyama .



Miyagi Prefecture


Miyagi and Sendai

Miyagi Prefecture (宮城県, Miyagi-ken is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku Region on Honshū island. The capital is Sendai.
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. Sendai Shiroo 仙台四郎 / 仙臺四郎 Sendai Shiro
Haga Shiroo 芳賀四郎 Haga Shiro .
(1855 - 1902)
A legendary man good for business !


Specialities from Miyagi 宮城郷土料理
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aburafu 油麩 fried gluten croutons
aburafu-iri nishime 油麩入り煮しめ with fat-fu あぶらふ(油麩)
fryed gluten in vegetable oil. Speciality from Tome town
It is prepared from wheat gluten powder, water is squeezed out carefully.
The dough (mottsu もっつ) is cut with a special knife (ohsigiri 押し切り) with two handles and then kneaded again to squeeze out the water.
Then it is rolled to a long strip and put into a large square box full of oil. Four ladies are busy turning the pieces round and round. They have to be elongated to the proper lenght and then one cut is made with a special knife. After that, they get bigger and a second cut is made whilst turning them. One shop produceds 700 sticks per day, they almost look like french bread.
One dish is a bowl of rice
aburafu don 油麩丼, where the fu is cut and prepared almost like a piece of chicken meat, and an egg on top of it.
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frittierter FU (Weizen-Gluten)

azara あざら "ara" (rough fish meat) mixed with vegetables, from Kesenuma

dotenabe 土手鍋 pot with oysters and miso "as an embankment" around the rim of the pot.

gyuu 牛 oxen and cows
gyuumotsu hatto 牛肚 (ぎゅうもつ はっと)
from the Ishikoshi area, consisting of cooked cow intestines with Japanese flour dumplings in soy broth.

gyuutan 牛タン ox tongue
Sendai gyuutan 仙台牛タン from Sendai
This dish started after WWII in Showa 23 (1948) in a shop named Daisuke 太助. Its owner Sano Keishiroo 佐野啓四郎 served it to his friends.

Hakuchozuke (local pickles)

hattojiru はっと汁 speciel hatto soup

hesodaikon, heso daikon へそ大根 "radish with a navel"
from 宮城県伊具郡丸森町筆甫(ひっぽ)地区
Igu Gun Marumori village
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Daikon is cut in rounds, boiled for a moment, then skewed on a bamboo stick and let to dry in the cold winter air for about 1 month. It becomes a delicious brown candy color. It is usually prepared in December and January and can be eaten in February. When the bamboo sticks are pulled out, it looks as if the round piece has a "navel" in the middle.


hoya and hoya dishes 海鞘; 老海鼠 sea pinapple
Sea pineapple (Halocynthia roretzi)
hoya nimono ホヤ雑煮 boiled
hoya no su no mono ホヤの酢の物 with vinegar dressing.
hoya is a very primitive animal. lonley planet says it tastes like ""rubber dipped in ammonia".
Hoya is found mostly along the beaches of Miyagi and Iwate.
Ascidiacea (commonly known as the ascidians or sea squirts) is a class in the Tunicata subphylum of sac-like marine filter feeders.
bakurai ばくらい "water bomb" 爆雷 is the original meaning.
a mix of hoya and salted konowata 海鼠腸. Best eaten is very small bits and washed down with a very dry sake.
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"Wasserbombe", Mischung aus Hoya und Konowata. Sehr salzig.


ika ninjin いか人参 squid and carrots

imoni いもに、芋煮 boiling sweet potatoes
usually by the riverside in an outing with many people.
Sendai-Miso is used for the soup and many vegetables are used too.
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inago no tsukudani イナゴの佃煮 sweetly simmered grashoppers

inohana gohan イノハナご飯 rice with wild mushrooms

kakimeshi カキめし rice with oysters

karamen からめん cold reimen noodles with spicy broth, which is finally soaked up in a portion of rice

manboo no sumiso マンボウの酢味噌 ocean sunfish in vinegar miso dressing
Mondfisch; Mola mola

matsuba jiru 松葉汁 soup with chopped leaves of radish and sanma fish

mekabu zuke メカブ漬け wakame seaweed pickles

Mokkori Wagyu
brand of beef produced in Minamikata town
Mokkori Nira Sembei (rice cracker)
made from rice flour mixed with chopped leeks, and it goes well with beer.

Mokusakueki もくさくえき(木酢液)
Mokusakueki is a liquid made by cooling smoke from charcoal kilns. It is used for making soaps, face creams, and various other products. Some people put several drops of Mokusakueki into their bath tubs.
Mokusakueki is said to contribute to healthy, radiant looking skin. It also helps to enrich soil.

Monzen Kuroame Black sweets
a hand made black sugar candy. The recipe has been handed down from generation to generation, and reminds us of what our grandmothers used to make.

Nakada Rice

Nirakko no Gyoza にらっこ Chinese dumpling
Minamikata is famous for nira leek. They grow 250 tons of leeks a year.
Local people add chopped leeks to their gyoza dumplings.

Numano Shiki (Japanese sake)

oborojiru おぼろ汁 miso soup with oboro dofu tofu

okuzukake おくずかけ dashi soup with vegetables
with additional ankake sauce

sasa kamaboko 笹かまぼこ料理 kamaboko with sasa bamboo grass
eaten raw with wasabi shoyu. or put in soup with noodles and vegetables.
sasa maki 笹まき

Shiitake Mushroom, Maitake Mushroom

Shiroishi uumen, umen 白石温麺 dried "warm" noodles from Shiroishi town
It has a history of more than 400 years.
A pious son wanted to prepare some light food for his ill father. A wandering monk showed him how to make these noodes. They are only made from salted water and komugiko flower. His father ate these noodles and soon became better. The lord of Shiroishi heared of the story and gave the noodles the name "warm noodles" because of the warm feeling we get from hearing the story of the thoughtful caring son.

Warm noodles and kokeshi wooden dolls, the local specialities
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Toyoma Miso (soybean paste) and Shoyu (soy sauce)

Taihaku Ame 太白飴 "big white sweet"
Taihaku Ame is a traditional local candy made from wheat and glutinous rice. No artificial sweeteners are added . It is very nutritious. . . . CLICK here for Photos !

Yubeshi 柚辺志(ゆべし)sweet cake
Yubeshi is a traditional Japanese sweet cake, from rice flour and walnuts.
It is not too sweet and typically served with green tea. Toyosato speciality.
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zundamochi ずんだ餅 rice cakes with edamame beans.
jindamochi じんだ餅
10 different kind of mochi from the local Miyagi rice are used for various dishes.
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Kesennuma (気仙沼市; -shi) is a city located in the extreme northeast of Miyagi Prefecture. It wraps around the western part of Kesennuma Bay, and also includes the island of Ōshima. Its coastline forms the southern boundary of the Rias Coastline National Park, which stretches north all the way to Aomori Prefecture.

The city borders Hirota Bay, Kesennuma Bay, and the Pacific Ocean to the east and Motoyoshi, Miyagi to the south. Iwate Prefecture makes up the remainder of its borders, with Murone Village to the west, and Rikuzen-Takata City to the north.

The highest point in Kesennuma is 711.9 m high, on the border with Motoyoshi, while the lowest point is at sea level.
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Tooth Coastline
Kesennuma is a naturally favorable harbor marked by waters that are calm due to the presence of Oshima Island at the mouth of the harbor. Visitors can soak up powerful sights at Rikuchu Coast National Park, a place of scenic beauty characterized by a deeply indented coastline imbued with the natural beauty of the four seasons.

Slow Food Declaration
Kesennuma, a leading fishing town in Japan, is famous for landing tuna, bonito, and Pacific saury and for producing the largest catches of shark fin in the world. As the first city in Japan to adopt a slow food declaration, Kesennuma is committed to promoting a unique and attractive community sustained by local foods.
Shark 鮫 (さめ) same Haifisch in Kesenuma

Toyoma (Tome town, Miyagi)
Experience the Joys of School Dining
Visitors can enjoy consuming school meals served in a century-old school building. Sample a typical school meal from the 1950s, which would have included a bread roll and curry stew. (Reservations required.)
School-provided lunches are lunch meals provided to all elementary-school students in Japan according to a standard menu that is very much a traditional feature of school life in this country.

source :

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Shark fin menu during the "Shark Fin Week", each December.

. Shark (same 鮫) .

. fukahire purin ふかひれプリン vanilla pudding with sharks fins
from Kesennuma

Kesennuma was badly damaged by the earthquake on March 11, 2011


Der Fischmarkt von Kesennuma

Die „Schwarze Strömung“ (kuroshio) bestimmt die Anwesenheit der Fische vor den Küsten Japans im Pazifischen Ozean. Sie hat eine tiefblaue Farbe und bringt warmes Wasser aus den Gebieten um Taiwan zu den kalten Polarregionen. Sie ermöglicht sogar das Wachstum von Korallenriffen in Japan, den nördlichsten Riffen der Welt. Ein Teil der Strömung zweigt ins Japanische Meer ab und wird hier nach einer Insel die „Tsushima-Strömung“ genannt. Mit der „Schwarzen Strömung“ schwimmen viel Fischarten im Sommer nach Norden und ziehen im Herbst und Winter wieder zurück; „Fische bringen die Jahreszeiten nach Japan“ sagt ein alter Spruch.

Der „erste Bonito“ der Saison kündigte in Edo den Sommer an und viele reiche Bürger liessen sich den ersten Bissen der Saison viel kosten. Bei seinem Zug nach Norden bis vor die Küste Hokkaidos heißt der Fisch „aufwärts schwimmender Bonito“. Im Herbst bei seiner Rückreise wird er „zurückkehrender Bonito“ genannt; er ist nun besonder fett und wohlschmeckend.

Kesennuma ist ein Fischereihafen im Norden der Präfektur Miyagi an der Bucht von Kesennuma.
Der Fischmarkt hat den größte Umsatz Japans an frischem Bonito, Schwertfisch und Haifisch. Weiterhin werden hier Thunfisch, Makrelenhechte und Seezungen gehandelt.
Ende Dezember findet eine „Woche der Haifischflossen“ statt, bei der besondere Menüs mit dieser Delikatesse angeboten werden.

Haifischflossensuppe ist ein fester Bestandteil der chinesischen Küche. In Kesennuma werden auch andere Gerichte davon zubereitet: Ramen-Nudelsuppe, Sushi und Kochen bei Erhaltung der Form (sugata ni).

Der Makrelenhecht bringt den Herbst nach Kesennuma. Er schmeckt am besten auf Holzkohlen gegrillt mit etwas Salz. Aber auch als Sashimi oder gekocht mit Soyasauce wird er hier verzehrt.

Die lokalen Austern schmecken am besten im Winter. Durch die Sedimente von den nahen Wäldern, die viele Flüße in die Bucht bringen, sind sie besonders mineralhaltig. Sie schmecken in jeder Form gut, roh oder gekocht, im Eintopf oder frittiert.

Schwertfische werden auf eine ganz besodere Art gefangen: Vom Vordeck des Bootes aus wirft der Fischer eine Lanze nach dem Fisch und betäubt ihn dann mit einem elektrischen Schlag. Danach kann der bewegungslose Fisch einfach ins Boot gehievt werden.

Eine besondere Spezialität dieses Küstenbereiches bis hinauf nach Iwate sind die Seescheiden, auch „Ananas des Meeres“ genannt. Sie werden mit Essig angemacht, haben aber einen stark ammoniakhaltigen Geschmack und eine gummiartige Konsistenz, sie sind im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes „Geschmacksache“.

Kesennuma bemüht sich um eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft und hat eine Deklaration zur „Slowfood-Bewegung“ herausgegeben.


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

March 11, 2011
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake -   

. Folk Toys from Miyagi .

. Folk Toys from Kesennuma  気仙沼 .






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Kumamoto Prefecture (熊本県,Kumamoto-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located on Kyūshū Island. The capital is the city of Kumamoto.

Historically the area was called Higo 肥後 province and was renamed to Kumamoto prefecture during the Meiji Restoration as part of the abolition of the feudal system. The current Japanese orthography for Kumamoto literally means "bear root/origin", or "origin of the bear".

Mt. Aso, Aso san 阿蘇山 (1592 m), an extensive active volcano, is in the east of Kumamoto Prefecture. This volcano is located at the center of the Aso caldera, the most famous caldera in Japan.

Kato Kiyomasa, a contemporary of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, was made daimyo of half of the (old) administrative region of Higo in 1588.

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The Ariake Sea (有明海, Ariake-kai, Ariakekai)

WKD : Frost Shrine (Shimo Jinja 霜神社)
Aso Shrine (阿蘇神社 Aso-jinja)


A lot of horse meat is eaten in Kumamoto.
Horse meat, baniku ばにく/ 馬肉 , sakuraniku 桜肉

sakuranattoo, sakura nattoo 桜納豆 finely cut raw horse meat with natto, an egg and some mustard

basashi 馬刺し sashimi of horse meat

umashabu 馬しゃぶ Shabushabu with horse meat
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warishita わりした broth at the end of a sukiyaki is eaten with kishimen noodles.
see: soysauce


Kareigawa Ekiben Station Lunchbox

百年の旅物語 かれい川 Kareigawa
only with local vegetables.
gane ガネ local name for kakiage, tempura of vegetables
It is prepared with sliced sticks of sweet potatoes, carrots and nira leek takes about 3 hours to prepare!
A pair of mother and daughter prepare only 30 packs for each sunday, and is always sold out immediately. The station house is an old wooden building.
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Higo yasai 肥後野菜 vegetables from Higo

hitomoji ひともじ hitomoji leek
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Kasuga boobura 春日ぼうぶら kind of gourd
boobura ぼうぶら【南瓜】 (bobura) is the way they are called in West-Japan. From the Portugese abobora.
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Kumamoto ingen 熊本いんげん ingen beans

Kumamoto Kyoona 熊本京菜 kyona leafy

Kumamoto naga ninjin  長人参 long carrots

Kumamoto nasu 熊本なす eggplants

Kumamoto negi 熊本ねぎ leek

Temple Suizenji is place name in the Kumamoto town area. During the Edo period, the Daimyo Hosokawa Tadatoshi 細川忠利 had build a temple in the area, which was later rebuild elsewhere and thea area became a large park, Joojuu en 成趣園 or Suizenji Kooen 水前寺公園.
. Hosokawa Tadatoshi 細川忠利 (1586 – 1641) .

Suizenji moyashi 水前寺もやし been sprouts from Suizenji
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Suizenjina, suizenji na 水前寺菜 "leafy vegetables from Temple Suizenji"
One leaf side is green and the other violet.
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Suizenjinori, suizenji nori 水前寺のり seaweed

Suizenjiseri, suizenji seri 水前寺せり dropwort

Dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 Traditional Vegetables from Japan
Dento Yasai


More Dishes from Kumamoto 熊本の郷土料理
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Amakusa daioo 天草大王 "king of Amakusa"
a local chicken brand
The meat is also used for a "chicken shabu shabu"
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chikuwa sarada ちくわサラダ chikuwa filled with potato salad
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furikake gohan no tomo ご飯の供 "friend of the cooked rice"
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Kumamoto was one of the first places to develop furikake, toppings to sprinkle on rice. They also sprinkle it on other dishes like natto and salads.
CLICK for more photos A new one to sprinkle on "rice with a raw egg" (tamagokake gohan 卵かけご飯) is developed, where you put the raw egg on the rice and the topping all around and do not use soy sauce any more.

hamaguri ryoori ハマグリ料理 / 蛤料理
dishes with hamaguri clams

Higo dried taro root, higo zuiki 肥後ずいき

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The dried root of a taro is bundled together, looking almost like a male symbol.
It has been used by the ladies as such ...

随喜 zuiki, great pleasure, shedding tears of joy

This root is longer than the normal taro roots, and maybe started being introduced after the first Europeans came to the area. Some say, the cucumber for an European lady, the zuiki for a Japanese geisha!

芋茎(ずいき) Zuiki Taro and the 随喜 Zuiki Vegetable Festival
also spelled
suiki すいき.


ikinaridago, ikinari dago いきなりだご
the local pronounciation of
ikinari dango いきなり団子 "all of a sudden dumplings"
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kaki 牡蠣 カキ / 熊本カキ Kumamoto oysters,
There is a local variety of oysters, that is now revived to produce a regional speciality since Autumn of 2009.
From 1949 to 1958 these oysters had been exported to the West Coast of America and grown there.
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Reference : Kumamoto Oysters

karashi renkon 辛子れんこん lotus root with mustard paste

kidako きだこ moray eel
Gymnothorax kidako
local dialect for the utsubo うつぼ, taken from the latin name of the animal.
The fish has a very large mouth with strong teeth and can bite the fishermen.
It has a very thick skin and many small bones. But through special preparation, it is now sold packed with a miso paste to make a hodgepodge, kidakonabe きだこ(うつぼ)鍋 with a lot of collagen.
From Amakusa.
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kumaebi, kuma-ebi くまえび / 隈海老 / クマ海老
Green tiger prawn
from Kumamoto, also called aka-ashi ebi 赤あし
Penaeus semisulcatus
They are caught in special boats in the Yatsushirokai 八代海.
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Also in the Seto Inland Sea

. Utasebune 打瀬船
boats for catching shrimp


raisuyaki ライス焼き "fried rice", rice on o-konomiyaki
with special toppings of miso paste with mayonaise, shrimp, meat and anything you like ... even with curry taste.
It was "invented" by a housewife who told her husband to mix mayonaise with miso (things all kids like) and prepare a simpel fast food for dinner . . . more than 30 years ago, still a favorite of the region.
The restaurant now prepares more than 400 meals a day, many for home delivery.


shooyu suiitsu 醤油スイーツ sweets made with soy sauce
suiitsu shooyu スイーツ醤油 soy sauce for sweets

suika スイカ watermelon
Kumamoto is one of the great producing areas. Before the war, a variety with a thick outer skin were produced. After eating the red fruit, the housewife cuts the thick skin off and puts the leftovers, cut to bite size, in a bolw, mix it with salt and let it stay for a day.
suika no asazuke スイカを漬物.
Even now, with varieties of a much thinner outer skin, this pickle is loved in Kumamoto.

Takamori Dengaku 高森田楽
From Aso, Takamori village 阿蘇高森田楽の里

Tsuetate purin 杖立プリン pudding from Tsuetate
from Tsuetate Onsen hot spring 杖立温泉 , 小国町
This small town is also known for its koinobori carp streamers over the small river in town and its many very narrow alleys with hot spring ryokan lodgings.
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yubeshi ゆべし yuzu dumplings
with ?miso, rice and lots of yuzu or citron fruit juice, sometimes with walnuts

Princess Atsuhime liked this very much. When she travelled by land to Edo, she also found yubeshi in the postal station of Yakage in Okayama 岡山県矢掛町 and ordered more than 500 packs of it to share with others.

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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

miru ミル miru seaweed

Codium fragile.
Green sea fingers, Dead man's fingers, felty fingers, felt-alga, Green sponge, Green fleece
This siphonous alga is dark green in color. It appears as a fuzzy patch of tubular fingers. These formations hang down from rocks during low tide.
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It has a special finger form which later became the pattern of a local white and blue pottery,

Takahama yaki 高浜焼
from Amakusa 天草

It is part of the tradtion of
Amakusa Toojiki 天草陶磁器 ceramics

First established in 1762 by Ueda Dengoemon 上田伝五右衛門.


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Dishes
- #kumamoto -


Gunma prefecture



Gunma Prefecture

Gunma Prefecture (群馬県, Gunma-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the northwest corner of the Kantō region on Honshū island. Its capital is Maebashi.

In the past, Gunma was joined with Tochigi Prefecture and called Kenu Province. This was later divided into Kami-kenu (Upper Kenu, Gunma) and Shimo-kenu (Lower Kenu, Tochigi). The area is sometimes referred to as Jomo (上毛, Jōmō). For most of Japanese history, Gunma was known as the province of Kozuke.

The first modern silk factories were built with Italian and French assistance at Annaka in the 1870s.

One of only eight landlocked prefectures in Japan.

Because Gunma is situated in inland Japan, the difference in temperature in the summer compared to the winter is large, and there is less precipitation. This is because of the kara-kaze, a strong, dry wind which occurs in the winter when the snow falls on the coasts of Niigata. The wind carrying clouds with snow bang into the Echigo Mountain Range, and it also snows there, although the high peaks do not let the wind go past them. For this reason, the wind changes into the kara-kaze.

More traditional industries include sericulture of silk and agriculture. Gunma's major agricultural products include cabbages and konnyaku (konjacs). Gunma produces 90% of Japan's konjacs, and two-thirds of the farms in the village of Tsumagoi are cabbage farms.
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Tsumagoi village 嬬恋村
close to Mount Asama, has vulcanic soil and grows cabbages and runner beans (saya ingen mame さや豆)
Lit. "Loving the wife" has a platform where you stand with your wife and call out loudely that you love her.
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The village of Shimonita is famous for its leek (Welsh onions) and konnyaku.
Shimonita is located in the basin by Mt. Myogi.

Shimonita negi 下仁田葱(しもにたねぎ)and other LEEK
shimonitanegi kurokke 下仁田ねぎコロッケ

Shimonita Konnyaku (paste made from the arum root)
Konnyaku plant and food (Amorphophallus konjac) . Elephant jam

shimikonnyaku, shimi-konnyaku 凍みこんにゃく
frozen Konnyaku
A brick-like piece is put into a wooden cuter and cut into 42 slices. These are dried on the fields, for one month, watered every day and frozen at night. It becomes a thin slice of whitish substance.
Frozen Konnyaku food (Amorphophallus konjac)


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More dishes from Gunma 群馬郷土料理

anpinmochi あんぴんもち mochi with red bean paste
the local version of daifuku mochi.
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himokawaudon, himokawa udon ひもかわうどん broad udon noodles
from Kiryu town 桐生市
Sometimes up to 10 cm wide, like a flat sheet.
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himokawa ひもかわ【紐革】 this type of flat udon originates in Nagoya from the river Imokawa 芋川, the name of the noodles later became pronounced HIMOKAWA. In Nagoya they are eaten with a miso soup.

hanaingen no nimame 花インゲンの煮豆 simmered beans
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kaburajiru 鏑汁 turnip soup

kamameshi 釜めし rice cooked in a metal pot
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kaminarijuu かみなり重
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kansooimo, kansoo imo 乾燥芋(さつま芋の切干)
dried satsuma sweet potatoes

kenchinjiru けんちん汁 vegetable soup
also common in other prefectures

konnyaku ryoori コンニャク料理 dishes with konnyaku
from Shimonita village
see above.

koshinejiru こしね汁 KO-SHI-NE soup
with KOnnyaku, SHIitake and NEgi leek.
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maitake mushrooms from Gunma
with a Takasaki Daruma Mark

maitake gohan 舞茸ご飯 rice with maitake mushrooms
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Handmade miso is still popular in the area.
misomanjuu, miso manjuu 味噌饅頭 manju with sweet miso and pieces of eggplants and sesame flavor.
misopan みそパン bread with miso paste

Mizuzawa udon 水沢うどん noodles from Mizuzawa
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mogura daikon もぐら大根 "mole radish"
a specially karai spicy radish from Numata 沼田地区
It is added to dishes of soba buckwheat noodles or ramen nodles.

. mogura-uchi 土龍打 ( もぐらうち) "hitting the moles" .

neginuta ねぎぬた
leek with maguro and ika
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noppejiru のっぺい汁 vegetable soup


Okirikomi, okkirikomi おきりこみ, おっきりこみ
udon noodle soup with vegetables

CLICK for more photos Makes body and soul warm on a hot winter day and tasts "like mothers". It is handed down from mother in law to daughter in law as a family taste. The dough is kneaded with mother's hands and not stepped on as with other udon dough. It is also used immediately after preparing just the amount for one meal. The broad noodles are therefore rather soft and are thrown into the soup (komi) immediately after cutting (kiri). They give a special toromi thickness to the broth, which is usually of homemade miso paste, another speciality of many villages. Gunma has long been an area to grow wheat, which is called "local flower, jigona 地粉.
Vegetables come from the local community, the housewifes share their daily harvest of radish, carrots and the king of leek from Shimonita town, Shimonitanegi 下仁田葱(しもにたねぎ).


Shimonita, see above.

suiton, dangojiru すいとん(だんご汁)soup with dumplings
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sumitsukare すみつかれ
on the first day of the ox in February. Prepared with the beans left over from setsubun.
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takuan たくあん. 沢庵 pickled radish
The daikon of this area in the plain of Mount Haruna is especially full of juice and suited best for takuan making.The dry wind coming down from Mount Haruna (karakara kaze) is needed to produce these delicious takuan pickles. About 1000 daikon per picker is pulled out of the earth, a backbreaking job, and bound together two of them and hanged on long poles to dry for about two weeks. Half in the shadow is best for this. Many farming families had to stop planting radish because the young people are not there to help any more.
After two weeks the radish gets all limp and is easy to bend into containers for pickling. Various spices are added, for example chili peppers or the skin of shibugaki bitter persimmons. This is the secret of each mother who does her own pickles.
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Other growing areas for takuan daikon are Nagano and Tochigi.

Radish (daikon) Pickled radish,
a KIGO for all winter


tamago manjuu 卵饅頭 たまごまんじゅう bun with boiled egg
a sweet manjuu dough wrapped around a boiled egg, which is soaked in soy sauce for a while. This gives a rather appealing flavor.
Fujioka town 藤岡市 Naritaya shop 成田屋さんの たまご饅頭
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yakimanjuu 焼きまんじゅう grilled manjuu

yakimonchi, oyaki やきもち(おやき)
see Nagano.

Yakimochi Fudoo Son 焼き餅不動尊in Gunma

yooguruto ヨーグルト yoghurt

yubeshi ゆべし. 柚餅子 dumpling with yuzu
first prepared for the warlord Takeda Shingen.
Black sugar is melted, the skin of yuzu citrons and walnuts are mixed with kyooriki 強力粉 flower
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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Gunma has a traditional card game called
Jomo Karuta (上毛かるた) (joomoo karuta)

There is even a karuta with Daruma san. The famous Daruma temple Shorinzan 少林山 is located in Gunma prefecture.


Kobayashi Issa 一茶

Takashi たかし

kuwa ni mi ya Chuuji no haka e eki sanpun  


Harunafuji utsuru kohan ni kyanpu hari   


source :  上州俳句茶屋

Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes



Fukushima Aizu


Fukushima 福島

Fukushima Prefecture (福島県, Fukushima-ken) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku region on the island of Honshū. The capital is the city of Fukushima.

In the 4th century, Fukushima was incorporated into the Yamato Province, Japan's first unified nation.

The Shirakawa Barrier and the Nakoso Barrier were built around the 5th century to protect 'civilized Japan' from the 'barbarians' to the north. Fukushima became a Province of Mutsu after the Taika Reforms were established in 646.

The province of Fukushima was conquered by Prince Subaru in 1293. This region of Japan is also known as Michinoku and Ōshū.
The Fukushima Incident took place in the prefecture after Mishima Michitsune was appointed governor in 1882.

Fukushima is the southernmost prefecture of Tōhoku region, and the closest to Tokyo. It is divided by mountain ranges into three regions called (from west to east) Aizu, Nakadōri, and Hamadōri.

Legend has it that an ogress, Adachigahara, once roamed the plain after whom it was named. The Adachigahara plain lies close to the city of Fukushima.

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. Aizu matsuri 会津まつり Aizu festival .
and Lord Hoshina Masayuki 保科正之


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Regional Dishes from Fukushima 福島郷土料理

Aizu jidori 会津地鶏 local chicken from Aizu Wakamatsu
They come in many local dishes and in the station lunchbox of
Koriyama 郡山市.
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bandeimochi ばんでい餅 Bandei rice cakes
They are covered with special じゅうねん味噌 junen miso, ten year old miso, and then roasted over a charcoal fire
These mochi are eaten at the rituals at the
. Yama no Shinkoo 山の神講 The Mountain God prayer group .

komugi manjuu 小麦まんじゅう manjuu cakes from wheat flour

konnyaku こんにゃく gelatinous food made from devil's-tongue starch
Konnyaku is grown in Gunma, Tochigi and Fukushima. I
. Konnyaku, konjac, konjak 蒟蒻 Amorphophallus rivieri .

kuriimu pan クリームパン small white bread with cream
from Koriyama 郡山
kuriimu bokkusu クリームボックス toast with cream
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にしんのさんしょう漬け / にしん山椒漬 nishin no sanshoo tsukemono
herring pickled with Japanese pepper

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Herring with sansho pepper
Nishin-No-Sansyo-Zuke is one of the representative dish of Aizu.
Gutted, cleaned and dried herring is pickled with leaves of sansho pepper and soy sauce. This particular dish can be tasted only in Aizu. Characteristic of sansho pepper preserve herring longer, peculiar scent and sour taste can remove smell and bitter taste of fish. The soft body of fish preserved in the way taste awesome. This is the best dish along with drinks and as a side dish. Special ceramic serving bowls are produced.
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. Japanese pepper, "Mountain pepper"(sanshoo 山椒) .


- and one more speciality with Mountain Pepper

sanshoo-uo no kunsei さんしょううおのくんせい smoked salamander
山椒魚の燻製. サンショウウオの燻製
kuroyaki 黒焼き


karee  カレー curry sauce for many dishes

karee chaahan カレーチャーハン fried rice with curry sauce
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karee raamen カレーラーメン noodle soup with curry sauce
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karee yakisoba カレーやきそば fried noodles with curry sauce

- from Aizu Wakamatsu
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kurikomochi, kuriko mochi 栗粉餅 mochi with sweet chestnut powder


kozuyu こづゆ soup for festive situations
tsuyuji つゆじ is another name.
from Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松

The soup is made with dried scallops (hotategai). Various vegetables and fu gluten are added. Soy sauce and some ricewine give it a special taste.
It is served in wide dishes, often made of red lauquer.
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There is a more simple dish called
zakuzaku ざくざく vegetable soup
where the soup for every day is made from konbu and cheap vegetables like daikon are used.

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KOZUYU (Traditional local soup)
This clear soup is an essential dish served on auspicious occasions, such as at the new year, and at other ceremonial gatherings. Each family has handed down their own recipe to their children and grand children. Basically the soup is made from dried scallop holdfasts, carrots, mushrooms, konnyaku jelly noodles, wheat gluten croutons (mame-fu), seasoned with salt and soy sauce. In addition, it should be served in exclusive bowls, called Teshio-zara, (red lacquer produced in Aizu-Wakamatsu). Long ago, it is a custom to bring great dish served in other houses to your own house and have them with family. Common practice is to have as much of the soup as you like.
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nikusushi, niku sushi 肉寿司 meat sushi
from Aizu Wakamatsu, with ginger
horsemeat 馬肉 is used.

肉寿司三種盛 - 赤身、中落ち、稲荷。

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Shirakawa 白河

ramen with soy sauce flavor

Residents point to the local variety of ramen noodle soup as the town's main claim to fame.

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Shirakawa Daruma Ramen 白河だるまラーメン
Noodle soup "Daruma"

Daruma sake だるま酒 Ricewine in a bottle looking like a Daruma
from Shirakawa
Shirakawa Daruma Ricewine ”白河だるま酒”

Museum : Shirakawa Daruma Dolls 白川だるま


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soba 蕎麦 buckwheat noodles
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Fukushima Soba Kaidoo
Soba Road of Fukushima

Negi-soba (Takato-soba)
Soba with green onion 高遠そば
Taste the history of Aizu.

You can try Negi-soba (soba originated in Takato) at Ouch-Juku in Shimogo-Machi, a town in Fukushima Prefecture's Aizu region. Long ago, when Prince Masayuki Hoshina returned to Aizu from Nagano Prefecture, a retainer from Nagano's Takato clan came with him.
The retainer introduced people in Aizu to eating soba with grated daikon radish when they saw him eating it. The practice spread throughout the Aizu area, becoming known as "Takato-soba."
Some time later, the owner of the Misawaya restaurant at Ouchi-Juku came up with the idea of eating Takato-soba with a green onion in place of chopsticks and use it as a spice. These days, it is a popular local comfront food in Ouchi-Juku. When traveling through Fukushima, this unique local dish should be tried at least once.

Aizu - Home town of soba
Tasty hand-made soba and warm hospitality...
A great treat for the people of Aizu, soba (Japanese buckwheat noodles made in Aizu) has its own unique cultural history. Because the buckwheat is harvested after its ripens, Aizu soba boasts a delicate balance of flavor and fragrance. The native species which have been cultivated in Aizu for generations are especially delicious and yield bountiful harvests. It is from those crops that the famous "Shinano Ichi-go" ("Shinano No.1") soba originated. Recently, cultivation has begun in earnest of a new kind of buckwheat called "Aizu no Kaori ("the flavor of Aizu") . It has been registered as a type of soba unique to Fukushima Prefecture. This new soba is chewy and sweet, and possesses a beautiful aroma. We recommend trying and comparing both the traditional and the new.
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wappa meshi わっぱ飯
(Seasonal rice in special "Mage-Wappa containers)
"Mage-Wappa" is a kind of container which was used as a lunch box by the woodcutters of Hinoemata Village for over 600 years. "Wappa Meshi" contains a variety of dishes made with seasonal vegetables local to the mountains of Aizu.
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yubeshi ゆべし / 柚餅子 sweet made from a yuzu citron.
yuzu is stuffed with mochigome, miso, soy sauce, sugar and nuts, simmered.
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Daikokuya's Kurumi Yubeshi
Kaden Yubeshi


- - - - - Popular Sweets and Food of Fukushima

Daikokuya's Kurumi Yubeshi
Ecusson Pie
Kaden Yubeshi
Kumata Bun
Kuu-ben - bento with Tamakawa village's specialty vegetable, Kushinnsai.
Shibori tomato juice - Using a technique called "Shibori," the tomatoes are grown without being watered, causing their own natural sweetness to come out.
Usukawa Manjuu

Japanese Sake (rice wine) made in Fukushima

Sukagawa City is the hometown of Tsuburaya Eiji, creator of Ultraman.

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Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Koma 駒 horse folk toys from Fukushima


Related words

***** WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

March 11, 2011
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake -   


